Re: conntrack-tools 0.9.14 can not block the connection

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Jan Engelhardt a écrit :
> On Friday 2010-05-07 21:14, Pablo Neira Ayuso wrote:
>>>> The documentation seems to be off here. If you only delete a ct
>>>> entry, the next packet (even if a TCP ACK or something) will make
>>>> a new ct with NEW as a ctstate.
>>>> To really have a TCP/SCTP connection blocked after deletion of the ct 
>>>> entry, you have to only allow NEW ctstates with the initla TCP/SCTP 
>>>> packet (SYN/INIT).

Jan made an interesting point. TCP conntrack has a liberal/strict
sysctl, but I do not see any for SCTP conntrack. If I'm not mistaken, is
SCTP conntrack of the liberal or strict kind ?

>>> Yes, you need a well-formed stateful rule-set "to cut" the connection
>>> (at least you have to add a rule to block traffic in INVALID stats).
>> With "stats" I meant "state", and liberal tracking must be disabled as said.
> Which is the default anyway. :-)
> I think what was really meant was tcp_loose, not tcp_be_liberal.

In my understanding, tcp_loose only allows conntrack to pick up
connections from the middle, but packets are still INVALID until the
required number of packets is seen and accepted. Am I wrong ?
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