Re: How to view blacklist ip ?

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J. Bakshi a écrit :
> Even after the blacklist interval the client can access the server
> successfully; the server still shows the client ip as blacklisted.
> Definately the ip can be removed or "clear" as described in the man page
> but storing the ip permanently at  /proc/net/ipt_recent/blacklist  is 
> very confusing.  How can you then check if the ip is still blacklisted
> or able to communicate with the server in real-life  ?

The list just stores source addresses and timestamps (the big numbers,
measured in jiffies) of recently seen packets in a FIFO manner. Whether
a packet will match the rule with 'recent' depends on its options
--seconds and/or --hitcount. So it is up to you to parse the timestamps
associated to an address and decide whether this address is blacklisted
or not.
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