Re: Checking line status

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John Lister a écrit :
I thought local packets went through this chain

mangle(OUTPUT) -> nat (OUTPUT) -> OUTPUT -> routing decision -> mangle

Actually there is an initial decision routing when the packet is created
before the OUTPUT chains, in order to select the output interface and
source address. Also after "nat (OUTPUT)" it should be "filter (OUTPUT)".
Ah, that sort of makes sense... I'd assumed the source address wasn't set until the routing decision later in the list...

I'd shortened it without the filter part as you don't need to specify the table :)

iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -m mark --mark 0 -m state --state
    -j MARK --set-mark 111

Isn't something missing in that rule ?
I'm guessing you mean the statistic bit? It isn't needed as the first will have set the mark to be non zero, but i guess it should be there for consistency..

Also, I can see no iptables rule setting mark 222.

cut and paste error, last line should be 222


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