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On 10/09/07 13:47, Chad Eldridge wrote:
I have a situation where I have packets coming into a server (we'll call it RTR) and getting routed to other servers depending on the ip address the packet is coming from. This part works great. The problem I am having is when the server (call it Responder) answers back to the original client (not going back through RTR), the client sees the traffic coming from an address it did not originally try to open a connection to and therefore rejects the packets and the connection is never established. I thought I could fix this by using SNAT to change the source ip on Responder.

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --sport $PORT -j SNAT --to $RTR-IP

Ah, you are falling victim to what I consider a communications triangle. You are describing exactly what happens. A connects to B, B redirects to C, C responds to A, and A is rather distraught that B is ignoring him / her while this yahoo C is not using proper protocol / grammar to start a conversation.

This however, seems to do nothing. The Responder still sends replies to the client, they make it to the client and show up as coming from the ip address of Responder.

Where did you try to SNAT? Were you trying to SNAT on RTR to make the Responder think the traffic came from RTR or were you trying to SNAT on the Responder to make the traffic to the client look like it came from RTR? I'm guessing the second method seeing as how the first should have worked (and has for me). I suppose that if you could get the source IP of the traffic from Responder to really be that of RTR things would work too, but I'm not sure what type of reverse path issues you will have / need to over come.

It was suggested to me that I would need to turn off rp_filter (echo 0 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter; echo 0 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth0/rp_filter) since the ip address I am trying to change the source to does not actually exist on the server. I tried that but it did not seem to help. Further more it was suggested that I could setup the $RTR-IP on a loopback and arptables it off and then it should work. This did not work either. If it is because iptables is trying to prevent spoofing I'm guessing it is stopping it because it's trying to send it out an interface that does not have the ip on it. Then again, all of this guessing could be wrong.

Well to start with, you do not want to use the loop back interface because the kernel will protect it at all costs. In short, the only thing that can communicate with the loop back device is the loop back device its self. Any and all attempts that I'm aware of to over come this short of an application layer proxy that binds to loop back and other interfaces will most likely fail with out some kernel patching.

I feel like I just answered a similar question with in the last week or so. I think that question had to do with pseudo load balancing though. However the answer to that question fits here too.

Is this even possible with iptables? If so, how can I accomplish it? Everything I have seen that seems like it should work has so far failed.

I'm not sure if IPTables can solve this its self or not. You may need some help from bridging and EBTables.

I have to ask, are the responders hidden behind the router? I'm guessing now because it sounds like the responder is talking directly back to the client. Thus are the router and responders in the same subnet / broadcast domain? For the sake of conversation I'm going to presume the latter. So let's have some ASCII art to help explain this.

                 | Default GW |
    |            |            |            |
+---+----+   +---+----+   +---+----+   +---+----+
| Router |   | Host A |   | Host B |   | Host C |
+--------+   +--------+   +--------+   +--------+

Let's presume for the sake of conversation that a client connects in to Router from the internet. Router decides to redirect the traffic to Host A based on the source IP address. At the same time a different client connects in to Router from the internet. However this second client is from a different IP address and as such Router decides to redirect the traffic to Host C.

Router and Hosts A, B, and C, all need to have the same IP bound to an interface that will allow non localhost communications to them (read: not loop back). Hosts A, B, and C need to NOT respond to ARPs from Default GW to find the IP in question so that you can be sure that Router will respond and be found. Thus Default GW will send the packets destined to the target IP to Router. Router will then need to redirect the packets over to Host A or B or C as it sees fit. Hosts A, B, and C will then receive the packet and process the request and respond in kind back out Default GW. This way, the original client will see the correct source IP on the reply traffic.

Using EBTables Router can alter the destination MAC address the packets coming in based on the source IP. Thus you can use EBTables to redirect some traffic to Host and some to Host B and some to Host C as you see fit.

You may need to have multiple IP addresses bound to the network interfaces of Hosts A, B, and C so that they respond from the correct source IP while using Default GW on a different subnet so that Default GW does not update it's ARP cache with the new MAC addresses of Host A or B or C.

At least as I understand it, this is how one mode of LVS operates. This will also work for what you are wanting to do.

iptables v1.2.8
Redhat ES3
(Final box will probably be running ES4)

As long as you include EBTables and / or LVS in the mix I don't think the difference between ES3 and ES4 will matter.



Good luck.

Grant. . . .
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