Re: diferent ports, diferent routes

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2006/9/3, Pascal Hambourg <pascal.mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
[Once again, please reply on the mailing list !]
Sorry ;)

KNO a écrit :
>> You say the packets go out, but how far ? Do they reach the router2 as
>> expected, meaning that the destination MAC address is router2's MAC
>> address ? Do they reach the target host ? Does the target host send a
>> reply packet ?
> How can I know if they reach the router2?

Maybe you can run a packet sniffer on the router. Else, check with a
packet sniffer on the Linux box that the packets have the destination
MAC addresse of the router, then check that the Linux box can reach the
router, with ping for example.

It's a zyxel 600series router, and I dont know if it can do that.

> They dont reach to target host.

How did you see that ? By running a packet sniffer on the target host ?

>> Does your Linux box perform SNAT or MASQUERADE on the WAN interface ?
> No. Workstations don't have direct access to Internet, only througth
> squid, so I dont need to do masquerade, do I?


>> By the way, how do things work when you set the box default route via
>> router2 ?

That was in important question, you didn't answer it.

Yes I was the very most important: with router2 as default route, I
can do a ping, but I can't access the web :S
>> Also, there is something unclear in your addressing scheme. You wrote :
>> > router1 address
>> > router2 address
>> > linux address
>> > linux default gateway
>> > lan workstations use linux as proxy (squid at port 8080)
>> It seems that both your LAN and WAN networks use the same subnet
>> And :
>> > :~# ip route ls
>> > dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src
>> > default via dev eth0
>> I understand these are the routes on the WAN interface. Where are the
>> interface and route to the LAN ?
> You are rigth: Router have only one interface conected to LAN, and
> routers (1 and 2) are conected to LAN too.

So your diagram, showing the Linux box between the LAN and the routers,
was wrong.
One last unclear detail : you said that the default gateway was (router2) but the default route in the main routing table
is (router1).
You are rigth, I got this result probing. The correct data are: dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src
default via dev eth0

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      /     \.___.d|    .'

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