I wrote a module to do what I described, based on the 'condition' module. Works well for me. Try it out if you have the same problem. http://condition2.sourceforge.net. On 3/25/06, Matthew Pepar <thepigs@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hi, > > I've been using netfilter successfully -- thanks for writing it. > > I was wondering if I could improve my VOIP calls using netfilter. > > The main problem is excessive jitter delay to the receiver when P2P > or WEB uploads /browsing is/are occurring. > > I have 512/128 ADSL and I am using tc-htb and using a reduced MTU (576 > bytes). The RTP data is getting through its just that the jitter delay > is very long (seconds). The jitter delay returns to unnoticeable when > the uploads are stopped. Some basic testing indicates that jitter > delay is mostly unnoticeable if all other traffic is limited to > 24kbit(!) upload. > > I was wondering if netfilter could detect the outgoing/incoming RTP > traffic and then set a flag. After RTP traffic has finished the flag > would be removed (using a timeout). The flag could then be used to > CLASSIFY other packets into say a 24kbit upload pool. > > Looking at the iptables docs there is no specific module that could > do this although you could hack the 'condition' module to enable > setting of flags and add timeouts by reusing some of the 'recent' > module code. I am thinking about doing this, but I'd thought I'd ask > first to see if anyone has any thoughts about whether its been done > already or whether it would work or whether its too hard. > > Thx, > Matt. >