If you open the port the spammer will use it. Spam is not related to packet filtering, firewall can only do so much. -ishwar On Fri, 23 Dec 2005, Jacques Beaudoin wrote: > Greetings, > > Im getting hit by spammer on port 80 on my firewall thats is also running > squid. > > If i open port 80 to my mail server via prerouting, spammer wiill use > my firewall to send spam. > > Port 80 is now block and i can see on my internet interface all > ip address trying to use my firewall as a spam proxy. > > My squid rules looks ok. > > Can anybody help > > Thanks > > _________________________________________________________________ > Profitez des puissants filtres de courriels indésirables articulé sur la > technologie brevetée Microsoft SmartScreen.s > http://join.msn.com/?pgmarket=fr-ca&page=features/popup Commencez dès > maintenant à profiter de tous les avantages de MSN Premium et obtenez les > deux premiers mois GRATUITS*. > >