Re: why can't use connlimit ??

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2005/10/28, Rob Sterenborg <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> On Fri, October 28, 2005 09:27, Buddy wu wrote:
> > In the System It has file. but don't have
> In "the System" ? Where is that ?
  In /lib/iptables  the system is just a new installation. it is
centos4 and the same to redhat as4. When i install the system, I can
found it in /lib/iptables directory

> > ipt_connlimit.ko or .o file. Is this the reason why can't load the
> > connlimit module?
> The .ko is for 2.6 kernels. For 2.4 it should be .o.
ya, thanks . and can you tell me the diffrent with .so files?
> >      If it's the reason , then need I recombile the kernel?
> >      I have done so, but When I patch the kernel with the latest patch
> > of POM, and comblie the kernel. errors occured. Just like I have said

> - So, what kernel version are you using ?
> - What kernel did you try to patch ? If it's a distro kernel (like
> RedHat, etc), try a vanilla kernel from
kernel version is 2.6.10, and I download from
use the POM-20050801 or 20051025. they have the same problem

> Other problems can arise if you use conflicting POM patches (some do
> not play nice when used together).
But I'm puzzled with the errors. it said that the object don't have
'proto' member(the conflicting POM patches can make out these errors?
I think the structure should be same ).
> Maybe this thread can be of help to you (if you use a 2.4 kernel) :
> Gr,
> Rob

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