Martijn, Thanks for your help. I've definitely decided to go down the "2-nic" path and make life simpler. Now of course I'm wondering if I should buy some better equipment to run a strong ethereal/snort combo. on the routerbox. I'm way overdue on intrusion detection and network usage. Any suggestions on the level of hardware required to run ethereal and snort on a routerbox. Best regards. Mike On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 13:35:35 +0100 (CET), Martijn Lievaart <m@xxxxxxx> wrote: > Mike said: > > Jason, > > Thanks for the reply. > > Sounds like a second nic. is really what's needed here. > > John Sullivan suggested it could be done using iptables in combination > > with iproute2; but I'm not sure I could manage it well. I'm > > challenged enough by iptables, itself. > > > > I'm thinkin' new mobo/cpu/ram combo. for $150 from :-) > > YES! make it as simple as possible. Do it like this: > > * Add another nic, eth2 (I assume you want the new mobo because you cannot > add another nic to the current setup, right? Otherwise, just add another > nic and you're set). > * Give the new nic, add all new hosts on this second subnet. > * Make sure the nets can only access the Internet, not eachother. > (from memory, may not be 100% correct) > -A FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT > -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT > -A FORWARD -i eth2 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT > -A FORWARD -m limit --limit "10/s" -j LOG --log-prefix "Invalid forward: " > -A FORWARD -j DROP > > Obviously, you also have to add the relevant MASQ, INPUT and OUTPUT rules, > but those should not be wildly different from what you have now. > > HTH, > M4 > >