Hi Ali,
I was just in the process of sending you a note about this with the 2.4.28 kernel. I did a simple clean recompile with the pom-ng-20040621 against iptables 1.2.11 source with only the pptp conntrack patches applied, and indeed, it did recompile without making the changes to the code in
line 108 in ip_nat_proto_gre.c. I then later ran through and applied a boat-load more of the available patches, and ran back into the problem again! I was about to start the tedious process of trying to figure out which patch nerfed pptp conntrack. I definitely did apply both the tproxy and the nat-reservations patches, and after that, it was borked again! I will cc the netfilter list with this info as well. I was also unable to recompile iptables 1.2.11 after those patches, something borked ipt_mac.c in that series of patches. I will pay closer attention next time, and see if I can narrow it down. Thanks very much for the heads-up!
Ali wrote:
Hi Stephen,
Yesterday i proceed to compile another 2.4.27 kernel identical to the previous
that give me the missing argument error but without the tproxy patch and it
compiles without an error!!!! Curious about that i researched a little more
in the code and found that the real culprit is nat-reservations, fortunately
it seems that the only patch that depends on it is tproxy so if you no
include it the probability of a clean compile is almost 100%
PS: I CC'd the netfilter list with your suggestion
thanks for that :)
in the hopes that it does indeed fix the problem with the latest pom-ng
I don't think that would be possible, from my research nat-reservations fix the protocols included in the standard kernel (icmp, tcp, udp) but have no way to fix other protocols not included (ex: gre), perhaps the only solution would be that the gre patch maintainer include a note about the problem and its solution.
Best regards, Ali
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