Unwanted traffic to be FORWARD-ed is dropped by filter : ARP cache problem?

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I realise my question is not directly related to
iptables, but since I noticed the 'problem' using
iptables I hope it's ok to pose it here.

My Linux box gets its outside IP (LinuxIP) from a DHCP
server. The IP address has been the same from the
beginning, so I guess some static mapping is done (I'm
no expert in this matter :-). It is a dual-boot
system, and when I reboot to MS-Windows, I get a
different IP (WinIP) which is also always the

After having set up iptables, I notice that the Linux
box drops all lot of outside traffic (mostly MS
broadcasts) with DST=[my WinIP] SRC=[some host]. It is
_always_ the MS-Windows IP address that ends up in
the FORWARD filter chain. Since I am just a simple
client on the network, is there maybe some Proxy ARP
gateway that keeps the two IP addresses mapped against
my MAC?

It's no big deal and I just drop the specific packets
before they get logged, but I'm just curious...


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