Re: Setting TOS in POSTROUTING mangle table

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On Wed, 2004-10-06 at 11:40, Kenneth Porter wrote:
> All the HOWTO's I've seen online seem to indicate that one puts TOS 
> manipulation in the PREROUTING mangle table, but it looks like this will 
> only affect inbound packets. 

it affects packets prior to any routing decision being made.  you can't
control how fast packets come into a machine--you can only really
control how fast you allow them to leave.  that's the essence of traffic

> For outbound packets I'd need to put the rule 
> in the POSTROUTING table. Should I set TOS in both tables on a gateway and 
> POSTROUTING on an endpoint?

if you're setting TOS on machine A so that a queuing decision can be
made by machine B--you can set TOS in POSTROUTING if you want.

> My main objective is to set Minimize-Delay on all UDP packets to give them 
> priority in my traffic shaper. (I'm using Wondershaper from 
> This insures that game and VOIP traffic takes 
> precedence over web and file transfers.

if the netfilter box is also the traffic shaper--set TOS in PREROUTING
so that that tc filters have the TOS values available to make a


Jason Opperisano <opie@xxxxxxxxxxx>

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