Askar wrote: > thanks jose alot, okay i will upgrade ram to 128 * 2 = 256MB thanks, > however where should I look for optimization the iptables rules? > any link will be greatly appreciated This is more of a manual activity. Things to speed up the ruleset would be: Putting the ESTABLISHED,RELATED rule above all others in its respective chain. This avoids the lookups for all the match rules. If you have a match rule with a 100000 hits during an interval, put it before a match rule with 100 hits. This way, the inefficiency of processing the more obscure rule is minimized. This isn't so much of a big deal unless you have either insane amounts of traffic, or many very very small sessions. Hosting 'normal' users, I have 99.97% of my traffic hitting the ESTABLISHED,RELATED filtering rule, so the efficiency of the other rules in my stack is unconsequential. # All Traffic AAA="`iptables -t filter -nvxL FORWARD | egrep -v 'FORWARD|pkts' | awk '{print $2}' | sed s/"$"/"+"/`"; echo ${AAA}0| bc # Only ESTABLISHED,RELATED traffic AAA="`iptables -t filter -nvxL FORWARD | grep 'RELATED,ESTABLISHED' | awk '{print $2}' | sed s/"$"/"+"/`"; echo ${AAA}0| bc % of traffic in ESTABLISHED,RELATED is just the second number divided by the first. The larger the percentage, the less any subsequent rule arrangement will matter.