Title: Compiling new iptables after kernel patch (compilation errors)
I’ve patched my kernel (2.4.22) using the ip_conntrack_pptp patch in the latest patch-o-matic which I downloaded from the netfilter.org website. Everything went very smoothly patching, building installing and booting my kernel. However when I try to compile (or re-compile) any version of iptables so that it will work with my new kernel the make fails almost immediately yielding the a few different errors.
If I attempt to compile a fresh version of iptables 1.2.6a which is what I had been runing on before I get:
>> make: *** No rule to make target `extensions/libipt_dscp.o', needed by `extensions/libext.a'. Stop.
If I try any other version it seems (I’ve tried 1.2.7a and 1.2.9) I get:
>>make: *** No rule to make target `extensions/libipt_dscp.o', needed by `extensions/libext.a'. Stop.
>> make: *** No rule to make target `extensions/libip6t_mark.c', needed by `extensions/libip6t_mark.d'. Stop.
Depending on if I’ve fooled around with the Make file at all (which I did to try to overcome these errors)
I’m using a debian based linux called Pebble (www.nycwireless.org/pebble) with the 2.4.22 kernel (which I have recompiled and reinstalled).
I’ve tried compiling with and without the NO_SHARED_LIBS value set in Makefile (changing this seems to change the error, but there is still and error) and I’ve also made extra sure that I have the correct KERNEL_DIR set (/usr/src/linux-2.4.22 in my case).
Any advice would be most appreciated.
Luke Deryckx