I made several searches over the internet to build my firewall rules.
Here they are :
My configuration is ( for the moment )
a single box i use as Personnal web server, FTP server and Icecast stream server.
I also have a sendmail server running on it (needed by the portal of my site to notify members ... )
I try to "sort" the different kinds of attacks (i dont know if 'im doing it right .. ) and DROP everything that would "eat" the bandwidth.
I dont IRC nor P2P.
I would like you , if you would too :-) , to tell me if my set of rules is OK , if i should change something, or if there is a dumbass mistake on it. The goal is of course getting the _closest_ to the 100% secure ...
Thank you in advance. -- Rakotomandimby Mihamina Andrianifaharana Tel : +33 2 38 76 43 65 http://stko.dyndns.info/site_principal/Members/mihamina