Re: icmp echo requests

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Jim Carter wrote:
On Mon, 29 Sep 2003, cc wrote:

I've been monitoring the NAT router with pktstat and am a little
perturbed to see quite a lot of icmp echo requests.  Now I've
setup my Linux firewall to reject icmp echo requests.

Is this the right(?)/correct/valid/appropriate thing to do?

I see a lot of pings too.  At home my Linksys residential gateway reports
that they look like they were address spoofed.  (So how did it figure that
out?)  This leads me to suspect that they are part of a distributed denial
of service attack -- the alleged origin of the ping, to which you are
supposed to send a packet, is the victim.

Not necessarily. The pings may be originating from Internal infected Windows machines..See below

Before my home Linux gateway blew its motherboard, I just dropped all pings (in fact, just about everything) on the wild-side interface. Best not to send ICMP-host-unreachable; best to drop all unsolicited packets silently, except for AUTH requests, for which a rejection saves you an annoying timeout. Except, I like to monitor the home machine from work, so I accept pings from the work subnet only.

James F. Carter          Voice 310 825 2897    FAX 310 206 6673
UCLA-Mathnet;  6115 MSA; 405 Hilgard Ave.; Los Angeles, CA, USA 90095-1555
Email: jimc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (q.v. for PGP key)

There are some Virus that cause the infected hosts to spew out lots of pings. I have seen it , and it brought a gateway/firewall to it's knees there were so many..

Since then I have done something like this:

# Add rate limiting to prevent DDos from within - Like some Worms and
# Viruses tend to produce
iptables -N echo_rate_limit
iptables -I echo_rate_limit -j DROP
iptables -I echo_rate_limit -m limit --limit 1 --limit-burst 2 -j $LOG --log-prefix "ICMP rate exceeded: "
iptables -I echo_rate_limit -m limit -p ICMP --limit 1 --limit-burst 5 -j RETURN

iptables -I FORWARD -p ICMP -j echo_rate_limit

I did it this way so I could easily insert the rate limit in an existing forwarding firewall. But you should be able to get the idea of rate limiting the echo-requests from what you see..

The best thing to do of course is fix the infected hosts.. That's why I log before dropping.

My appologies to OP for replying directly to him....


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