Re: OT: iptables-like firewall for windows?

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Arnt Karlsen wrote:

On Fri, 22 Aug 2003 16:06:39 -0500, Shawn <core@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message <1061586399.18527.102.camel@localhost>:

On Fri, 2003-08-22 at 08:26, Jason Joines wrote:

We have a completely Linux back-end environment but unfortunately
hundreds of windows desktops. I'm pretty tired of all the attacks
on the unprotected windows boxes but don't have the authority to put
up a network firewall. We protect all of our Linux servers with
iptables. Does anyone know of a similar tool for windows,
particularly w2k? The built-in stuff seems to be virtually

I take issue with that statement. It's /actually/ worthless!

google kerio personal firewall have no autority??? Lay off! "Not my problem.".

..defend your own turf, the Linux boxes. _I_ would make _sure_ I had _no_ responsibility on the Wintendos. _evil_, if any Wintendoite whines, tell'em about, netfilter, and, if they can spare an extra old box in their home lan, "but here at work I have _no_ authority, and, thank God, _no_ responsibility, Insh'Allah!", etc. _have_ such responsibility? Show your spine. Quit. Let them wail. Tell'em your price. No time for mercy.

..if they fall into bankruptcy, with _your_ hand on the Wintendo wheel, it _is_ _your_ _own_ fault.

I share views but it's also nice to be able to eat and pay the rent!

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