hi, my isp issues ip addresses via pppoe. i have the capability to lease
multiple ips at once, as i can pass through the pap authentication
simultaneously. i also have a dial up modem to serial line for standard
ppp. i was wondering if anyone had any idea as to how i can do
something like this with my nat/packet filter machine....
dsl pppoe modem--->eth0--->ppp0--->eth1--->
the dsl line on rj11 connector connects to the dsl modem, the dsl modem
connects to eth0. when i lease my first external ip, my dialer creates
ppp0. i do snat to allow the network connected to eth1 appear as if its
all coming from ppp0. now, what i want to do is know how i can make the
second and third leased ip addresses used by the otherr internal
networks. so basically what i want to do is have separate external ip
addresses for each of my internal networks. i tried doing this with
snat, but it did not work and i feel i would have to do something with
the routing tables. does anyone know precisely what user space tools to
work with? somoene once mentioned to me iproute2, is this the tool i
should use? anyone recommend reading material for doing such things as
described further up?