* uniplex (uniplex@maximum-linux.net) wrote: > How can I tell what version of ipt_recent I have? I downloaded the > latest version of patch-o-matic and installed your patch from there. > > I tried using --name in different places but it still doesn't seem to > work for whatever reason. Here's what I've tested with now. > > iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p all -m recent --update -j DROP --name icmps > > iptables -N icmps > iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -i eth0 -j icmps > iptables -A icmps -m limit --limit 2/hour --limit-burst 1 -j LOG > --log-level alert --log-prefix "icmp: " > iptables -A icmps -m recent --set -j DROP --name icmps > iptables -A icmps -j DROP It'd be before the -j DROP to see if that fixes it. Recent versions of ipt_recent will print out to your kernel log (which you can usually see via dmesg) what version of ipt_recent it is. If you're not seeing that then you probably want to try and get a later version. The latest 'released' version is on my website, http://snowman.net/projects/ipt_recent/ . There have been a number of bug fixes, however, and so if you want to try my current 'beta' you can download it from: http://snowman.net/projects/ipt_recent/ipt_recent-0.2.6.tar.gz . I've had alot of good responses to the beta so I'm planning on releasing it when I have some time to do the 'paperwork'. My son was born a week ago and I'm still pretty busy with him tho. :) Stephen
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