Re: snmp-basic

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On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, eddie shi wrote:

>   Is there something obvious I forgot to do? I am
> using 2.4.17 kernel with newnat patched. I also use
> iptables to do portfording of snmp port 161 to one of
> my internal box running snmp agent. Here is my rule.
>    iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth1 -p udp
> --dport 161 -j DNAT --to
>    Are there any other rules I need to add?

If it was an SNMP trap, yes.  It has to be configured separately with 
an SNAT rule (see below).

What addresses are you trying to translate?

>    BTW, does anyone know why there is no connection
> tracking module (ie ip_conntrack_snmp_basic.c) for
> this ?
>    All other modules (ftp,talk,irc and etc) are
> working fine in the system.

It doesn't need a special connection tracking helper, as it doesn't have 
any specially related connections to manage.

Below is some old documentation about the development/test setup from the
original package before the code was incorporated into the kernel, it may
be useful in general.

- James
James Morris

[note that the module is called ip_nat_snmp_basic instead of bsalg now]

-  The module may be loaded with 'insmod bsalg'.

-  Debugging may be enabled with 'debug' as a module parameter, 
   either with 'insmod bsalg debug=1' or adding 
   'options bsalg debug=1' to the file '/etc/conf.modules'.
   Setting this to a value of 1 will show IP address mappings, while
   setting it to 2 will provide highly verbose debugging info about
   the snmp parsing.
- Try a test like the following from your NMS:
   'snmpget public ip.ipRouteTable.ipRouteEntry.ipRouteNextHop.'
   where is the DNAT'd address of the node, which has a real address
   The response should look something like:
   'ip.ipRouteTable.ipRouteEntry.ipRouteNextHop. = IpAddress:'
   instead of:
   'ip.ipRouteTable.ipRouteEntry.ipRouteNextHop. = IpAddress:'

-  General info.

   For the moment, you will need explicit SNAT rules to allows traps to also
   be processed by the module.
   This is the NAT table on the system that the code was developed on:
   # iptables -L -n -t nat
   Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT)
   target     prot opt source               destination         
   DNAT       all  --              to: 
   Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT)
   target     prot opt source               destination         
   SNAT       all  --             to: 
   Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
   target     prot opt source               destination    

   And a diagram of the topology:
   +---------------------- +
   | NMS Box |
              | eth0
              | eth0
   +---------------------- +
   | NAT Box |
   |      |
              | eth1
              | eth0
   +---------------------- +
   | Node      |
   The NMS box running snmpwalk/get and tkined can communicate with the node using as a destination (and source of snmp traps).

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