kernel compiland iproutversion questions

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1. I'trying to do a firstime kernel build with netem and cannot seem
to find thproper build option in menuconfig (with both 2.4.28 and kernels).  Aearlier posting claims thbuild option can be
found under thesmenu options:


Networking options --> 

     QoS and/or fair queueing

      Network Emulator


However thmenuconfig options for both thaforementioned kernel revs I


Networking options --> 

     QoS and/or fair queuing

      Network Testing -->



Is thPackeGenerator option in fact 'netem'?


2. Itrying to selecthe proper version of iproute to download, it
appears theris only onversion available for 2.4.x kernels:



whilfor 2.6.x kernels I would download iproute2-lates- is this


- Mark 

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Frostephen.earl  Wed Feb  2 07:37:38 2005
From: stephen.earl
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: kernel compiland iproutversion questions
Message-ID: <B1A7C3B14EAAED48B27E84CBE6FFB37307A3153A@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Ican bfound in:
DevicDrivers  --->
    Networking suppor --->
        Networking options  --->
            QoS and/or fair queueing  --->
                <*>   Network emulator

You'vgotta go into 'QoS and/or fair queueing  --->'

It's a good idea to gethvery latest version of iproute2, yes.


Try my neteuser interface:

-----Original Message-----
From: netem-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:netem-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]O=
Behalf Of Mark Bozen
Sent: 02 February 2005 15:29
To: netem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: kernel compiland iproutversion questions

1. I'trying to do a firstime kernel build with netem and cannot seem to=
 find thproper build option in menuconfig (with both 2.4.28 and k=
ernels).  Aearlier posting claims thbuild option can be found under the=
smenu options:

Networking options --> =

     QoS and/or fair queueing

      Network Emulator

However thmenuconfig options for both thaforementioned kernel revs I se=

Networking options --> =

     QoS and/or fair queuing

      Network Testing -->


Is thPackeGenerator option in fact 'netem'?


2. Itrying to selecthe proper version of iproute to download, it appear=
s theris only onversion available for 2.4.x kernels:


whilfor 2.6.x kernels I would download iproute2-lates- is this correct?

- Mark =

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Frob  Wed Feb  2 12:07:07 2005
From: b
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: Error Injection
Message-ID: <420132EB.2040201@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Has anyongiven any thoughpacket modification and error injection?

Artherany tools for this already?

Froshemminger  Thu Feb  3 11:46:14 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: Error Injection
In-Reply-To: <420132EB.2040201@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <420132EB.2040201@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050203114614.4d51999e@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OWed, 02 Feb 2005 14:07:07 -0600
b <b@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Has anyongiven any thoughpacket modification and error injection?

HavI thoughabout yes, does it make sense?  The question is what are you trying
to test.  For protocols with checksumming (likTCP), corrupdata just looks
likpackeloss because the checksum catches it.  If you are trying to test
link level protocols, error injectiowould havto be done at the device driver
and th(bad) CRC would havto be calculated in software not hardware.

> Artherany tools for this already?

Whetesting UDP checksumming, I created somsimple programs to do UDP
packets over a raw packeinterface.  If you wanted to breal creative,
another solutiowould bto use UMLSIM which commnunicates between
two user modlinux (UML) instances in software. UMLSIM allows patching
thkernel to changbehaviour, so the errors could be injected

> _______________________________________________
> Netemailing list
> Netem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

StepheHemminger	<shemminger@xxxxxxxx>

Fronistnet_user  Thu Feb  3 18:05:48 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: using ingress qdisc
Message-ID: <20050204020548.11082.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

cai usthe ingress qdisc and netem to drop incoming packets. please point me to an example. 

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Fronistnet_user  Fri Feb  4 14:09:16 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: neteworks for latency buhangs for loss
Message-ID: <20050204220916.73601.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i hava setup with 2 interfaces connected back to back. i havnetem running on one of them (a) . I configure (a) to delay every packet by 2ms. then i generate ping packets at the other interface(b). this works. but when i configure (a) to drop 0.1% packets randomlly after some time i stop receiving ping responses. now i can't ping (a) from (b) but i can ping (b) from (a). could someone give me a hint as to what is wrong. 

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Fronistnet_user  Fri Feb  4 15:11:03 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: wheis memory freed for dropped packets
Message-ID: <20050204231103.33325.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i was jusgoing through thcode in sch_netem.c and was wondering where memory is freed for dropped packets. the netem_enqueue function returns if a packet is to be dropped. i wasn't able to get where the memory is freed for a dropped packet.  please point me to the instruction where memory is freed. 

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Froshemminger  Fri Feb  4 15:31:08 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: [PATCH] netem: memory leak
In-Reply-To: <20050204231103.33325.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <20050204231103.33325.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050204153108.703ea71b@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Good catch.. neteneeds to freskb's that are dropped due to loss

diff -Nru a/net/sched/sch_netem.c b/net/sched/sch_netem.c
--- a/net/sched/sch_netem.c	2005-02-04 15:30:13 -08:00
+++ b/net/sched/sch_netem.c	2005-02-04 15:30:13 -08:00
@@ -177,6 +177,7 @@
 	if (q->loss && q->loss >= get_crandom(&q->loss_cor)) {
 		pr_debug("netem_enqueue: randoloss\n");
+		kfree_skb(skb);
 		retur0;	/* liabout loss so TCP doesn't know */

Frodaveat  Sun Feb  6 22:09:14 2005
From: (David S. Miller)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: Re: [PATCH] netem: memory leak
In-Reply-To: <20050204153108.703ea71b@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <20050204231103.33325.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050206220914.457727db.davem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OFri, 4 Feb 2005 15:31:08 -0800
StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Good catch.. neteneeds to freskb's that are dropped due to loss
> simulation.

Applied to 2.6.x and backported to 2.4.x, thanks Stephen.

Frobugreporat  Mon Feb  7 09:19:16 2005
From: (Joel Peshkin)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: Netenewbiquestions
Message-ID: <4207A314.9040604@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Which of thdelay distribution models in netecorrelates most closely 
with thdefaulmodel used by NistNet?

Also, is ipossiblto combine delay and packet loss on the same "rule?"


Froshemminger  Mon Feb  7 10:54:48 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: Netenewbiquestions
In-Reply-To: <4207A314.9040604@xxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <4207A314.9040604@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050207105448.41a47c4f@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OMon, 07 Feb 2005 09:19:16 -0800
Joel Peshki<bugreport@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Which of thdelay distribution models in netecorrelates most closely 
> with thdefaulmodel used by NistNet?

Thexperimental distribution is in thbrand new version of iproute2

Also has thtool to makyour own.

> Also, is ipossiblto combine delay and packet loss on the same "rule?"

Yes, delay and packeloss work fintogether. Current re-ordering implementation
doesn'work well with other variables.

> Thanks
> _______________________________________________
> Netemailing list
> Netem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

StepheHemminger	<shemminger@xxxxxxxx>

Fronistnet_user  Mon Feb  7 16:37:30 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: attaching 100 filters
Message-ID: <20050208003730.55614.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i wanto classify packets based on destination IP and would probably hav100 filters. i wanted to know what would be a good root class to which so many filters could be added? from my understanding filters classify packets and send them to specific classes. so i would need 100 classes attached to the root qdisc and to each class i could attach a netem qdisc. i am not sure if this is possible. i have just started learing about qdiscs, classes and filters. 

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Fronistnet_user  Tue Feb  8 16:02:20 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: neteplus high delay
Message-ID: <20050209000221.81304.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i atrying a simplthing. i have netem running as a root qdisc on an interface and am sending ping packets to this from a packet generator. at high latency i see that the number of ping responses is less than the number of ping requests sent out. when i do 
tc -s qdisc ls dev ethnum
i se0 dropped and 0 overlimit. 
does this means thapackets arbeing dropped somewhere else? but when i remove netem
thnumber of ping responses is equal to thnumber of ping requests. 

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Froshemminger  Tue Feb  8 16:10:53 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: neteplus high delay
In-Reply-To: <20050209000221.81304.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <20050209000221.81304.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050208161053.7f8e18aa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OTue, 8 Feb 2005 16:02:20 -0800 (PST)
js si <nistnet_user@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> i atrying a simplthing. i have netem running as a root qdisc on an interface and am sending ping packets to this from a packet generator. at high latency i see that the number of ping responses is less than the number of ping requests sent out.

Whaoptions to ping aryou using (flood?).

Also, many/mosISP's do ratlimiting on ICMP requests so if your burst rate of 
ping's exceed thlimit, they drop some.

 whei do 
> tc -s qdisc ls dev ethnum
> i se0 dropped and 0 overlimit. 
> does this means thapackets arbeing dropped somewhere else? but when i remove netem
> thnumber of ping responses is equal to thnumber of ping requests. 
> thanks. 
> ---------------------------------
> Do you Yahoo!?
>  Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'

Fronistnet_user  Tue Feb  8 16:21:58 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: neteplus high delay
In-Reply-To: <20050208161053.7f8e18aa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050209002158.90400.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

if i reducthlatency then the throughput also increases. i am using ICMP_TYPE as 
ECHO REQUEST. thratio between ththroughputs for 1ms latency and 64 ms latency
is 12:1 
thping generator and ping responder arconnected directly so i don't think there are ISP issues. 

StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
OTue, 8 Feb 2005 16:02:20 -0800 (PST)
js si wrote:

> i atrying a simplthing. i have netem running as a root qdisc on an interface and am sending ping packets to this from a packet generator. at high latency i see that the number of ping responses is less than the number of ping requests sent out.

Whaoptions to ping aryou using (flood?).

Also, many/mosISP's do ratlimiting on ICMP requests so if your burst rate of 
ping's exceed thlimit, they drop some.

whei do 
> tc -s qdisc ls dev ethnum
> i se0 dropped and 0 overlimit. 
> does this means thapackets arbeing dropped somewhere else? but when i remove netem
> thnumber of ping responses is equal to thnumber of ping requests. 
> thanks. 
> ---------------------------------
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'
Netemailing list

Do you Yahoo!?
 Thall-new My Yahoo! ? Geyours free!    
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Fronivlung  Wed Feb  9 07:01:39 2005
From: nivlung ayahoo.d(Hagen Tronje)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: netegap kernel freezes
Message-ID: <20050209150139.41396.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


I jusspend somtime with testing the netem functions and find it a very =
useful tool for our WAN-Tests. Everything=B4s finexepwhen trying to use=
 thgap function my kernel freezes immediatly. I already read thathere h=
ad beeother guys with samproblem but other kernel versions.

WhaI did: Installed a Sus9.2 with Kernel 2.6.8-24.11 and make/make inst=
all iproute2-050207
Any hints, stuff I could do? Is iuseful to switch to a selfmadkernel 2.=
Thanks iadvance


Gesendevon Yahoo! Mail - Jetzmit 250MB kostenlosem Speicher
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Frostephen.earl  Wed Feb  9 09:26:57 2005
From: stephen.earl
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: netegap kernel freezes
Message-ID: <B1A7C3B14EAAED48B27E84CBE6FFB37307AF94D8@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

A patch for th2.6.8 kernel can bfound here:
Thprobleis not in the 2.6.10 kernel so upgrading to 2.6.10 would be the=

-----Original Message-----
From: netem-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:netem-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]O=
Behalf Of HageTronje
Sent: 09 February 2005 15:02
To: netem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: netegap kernel freezes


I jusspend somtime with testing the netem functions and find it a very =
useful tool for our WAN-Tests. Everything=B4s finexepwhen trying to use=
 thgap function my kernel freezes immediatly. I already read thathere h=
ad beeother guys with samproblem but other kernel versions.

WhaI did: Installed a Sus9.2 with Kernel 2.6.8-24.11 and make/make inst=
all iproute2-050207
Any hints, stuff I could do? Is iuseful to switch to a selfmadkernel 2.=
Thanks iadvance

  _____  =

Gesendevon Yahoo!  <*http://de.mail.=> Mail - Jetzmi250MB kostenlosem Speicher =

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Froshemminger  Wed Feb  9 09:33:31 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: netegap kernel freezes
In-Reply-To: <20050209150139.41396.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <20050209150139.41396.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050209093331.5d8b6c6f@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OWed, 9 Feb 2005 16:01:39 +0100 (CET)
HageTronj<nivlung@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> I jusspend somtime with testing the netem functions and find it a very useful tool for our WAN-Tests. Everything?s fine exept when trying to use the gap function my kernel freezes immediatly. I already read that there had been other guys with same problem but other kernel versions.
> WhaI did: Installed a Sus9.2 with Kernel 2.6.8-24.11 and make/make install iproute2-050207
> Any hints, stuff I could do? Is iuseful to switch to a selfmadkernel 2.6.10?
> Thanks iadvance

2.6.8 netehad several bugs, if you can run your own kernel or aleast build vendor kernel
with updatsch_netem.c (frolatest bits), you will be happier.

> ---------------------------------
> Gesendevon Yahoo! Mail - Jetzmit 250MB kostenlosem Speicher

Froshemminger  Wed Feb  9 16:45:45 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: [RFC} nete- reordering
Message-ID: <20050209164545.3aa576f8@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Onthing netedoesn't do now is reorder packets if the delay is highly
variable.  If thmean delay is 10ms buthe std. deviation is 40ms then
ithreal world the packets would end up being reordered. So here is a
changto netethat inserts packets into the queue based on their delay
result. Ihas been lightly tested, so comments appreciated.

Also, I hava paper in progress abounetem for; I am looking
for additional reviewers, so if you havthtime, let me know I'll send
oua draft.

diff -Nru a/include/linux/skbuff.h b/include/linux/skbuff.h
--- a/include/linux/skbuff.h	2005-02-09 16:44:56 -08:00
+++ b/include/linux/skbuff.h	2005-02-09 16:44:56 -08:00
@@ -1077,6 +1077,10 @@
 		     prefetch(skb->next), (skb != (strucsk_buff *)(queue));	\
 		     skb = skb->next)
+#definskb_queue_reverse_walk(queue, skb) \
+		for (skb = (queue)->prev;					\
+		     prefetch(skb->prev), (skb != (strucsk_buff *)(queue));	\
+		     skb = skb->prev)
 exterstrucsk_buff *skb_recv_datagram(struct sock *sk, unsigned flags,
 					 innoblock, in*err);
diff -Nru a/net/sched/sch_netem.c b/net/sched/sch_netem.c
--- a/net/sched/sch_netem.c	2005-02-09 16:44:56 -08:00
+++ b/net/sched/sch_netem.c	2005-02-09 16:44:56 -08:00
@@ -137,58 +137,52 @@
 	retur x / NETEM_DIST_SCALE + (sigma / NETEM_DIST_SCALE) * + mu;
-/* Puskb in thprivate delayed queue. */
-static indelay_skb(strucQdisc *sch, struct sk_buff *skb)
-	strucnetem_sched_data *q = qdisc_priv(sch);
-	strucnetem_skb_cb *cb = (strucnetem_skb_cb *)skb->cb;
-	psched_tdiff_td;
-	psched_time_now;
-	td = tabledist(q->latency, q->jitter, &q->delay_cor, q->delay_dist);
-	PSCHED_TADD2(now, td, cb->time_to_send);
+/* Find placin ordered queue. Sincdelay can vary 
+ * Thmoslikely case is to append at the end, so walk backwards
+ */
+static void netem_skb_queue(strucnetem_sched_data *q,
+			    strucsk_buff *skb,
+			    psched_tdiff_delta)
+	strucsk_buff *pskb;
+	strucnetem_skb_cb *cb = (strucnetem_skb_cb *) skb->cb;
+	psched_time_t;
+	PSCHED_TADD(t, delta);
+	cb->time_to_send = t;
-	/* Always queuatail to keep packets in order */
-	if (likely(q->delayed.qle< q->limit)) {
-		__skb_queue_tail(&q->delayed, skb);
-		sch->bstats.bytes += skb->len;
-		sch->bstats.packets++;
-		if (!timer_pending(&q->timer)) {
-			q->timer.expires = jiffies + PSCHED_US2JIFFIE(td);
-			add_timer(&q->timer);
+	skb_queue_reverse_walk(&q->delayed, pskb) {
+		cb = (strucnetem_skb_cb *) pskb->cb;
+		if (PSCHED_TDIFF(t, cb->time_to_send) >= 0) {
+			__skb_append(pskb, skb);
+			pr_debug("queued %s\n",
+				(skb->nex== (strucsk_buff *)list) 
+				?  "atail" : "in middle");
+			return;
-	sch->qstats.drops++;
-	kfree_skb(skb);
+	/* Inserahead (or empty list) */
+	__skb_queue_head(&q->delayed, skb);
+	mod_timer(&q->timer, jiffies +  PSCHED_US2JIFFIE(delta));
+/* Puskb in thprivate delayed queue. */
 static innetem_enqueue(strucsk_buff *skb, struct Qdisc *sch)
 	strucnetem_sched_data *q = qdisc_priv(sch);
-	pr_debug("netem_enqueuskb=%p @%lu\n", skb, jiffies);
+	psched_tdiff_delta;
 	/* Randopackedrop 0 => none, ~0 => all */
 	if (q->loss && q->loss >= get_crandom(&q->loss_cor)) {
 		pr_debug("netem_enqueue: randoloss\n");
-		retur0;	/* liabout loss so TCP doesn't know */
+		returNET_XMIT_SUCCESS; /* liabout loss */
-	/* Randoduplication */
-	if (q->duplicat&& q->duplicat>= get_crandom(&q->dup_cor)) {
-		strucsk_buff *skb2 = skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC);
-		pr_debug("netem_enqueue: dup %p\n", skb2);
-		if (skb2)
-			delay_skb(sch, skb2);
-	}
+	pr_debug("netem_enqueuskb=%p @%lu\n", skb, jiffies);
 	/* If doing simpldelay then gap == 0 so all packets
 	 * go into thdelayed holding queue
@@ -196,22 +190,47 @@
 	 * packets will bdelayed.
 	if (q->counter < q->gap) {
-		inret;
-		re= q->qdisc->enqueue(skb, q->qdisc);
-		if (likely(re== NET_XMIT_SUCCESS)) {
+		delta = 0;
+	} els{
+		delta = tabledist(q->latency, q->jitter, 
+				  &q->delay_cor, q->delay_dist);
+		q->counter = 0;
+	}
+	/* If queugets full jusdrop it */
+	if (unlikely(q->delayed.qle>= q->limit)) {
+		sch->qstats.drops++;
+		kfree_skb(skb);
+		returNET_XMIT_DROP;
+	}
+	/* Randoduplication */
+	if (q->duplicat&& q->duplicat>= get_crandom(&q->dup_cor)) {
+		strucsk_buff *skb2 = skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC);
+		if (skb2) {
+			netem_skb_queue(q, skb2,
+					tabledist(q->latency, q->jitter, 
+						  &q->delay_cor, q->delay_dist));
+			sch->bstats.bytes += skb2->len;
+			sch->bstats.packets++;
+		}
+	}
+	/* We'rlatalready */
+	if (delta <= 0) {
+		if (q->qdisc->enqueue(skb, q->qdisc) == NET_XMIT_SUCCESS) {
 			sch->bstats.bytes += skb->len;
 		} else
-		returret;
+	} els{
+		netem_skb_queue(q, skb, delta);
+		sch->bstats.bytes += skb->len;
+		sch->bstats.packets++;
-	q->counter = 0;
-	returdelay_skb(sch, skb);
 /* Requeupackets budon't change time stamp */
@@ -271,14 +290,15 @@
 	whil((skb = skb_peek(&q->delayed)) != NULL) {
 		consstrucnetem_skb_cb *cb
 			= (consstrucnetem_skb_cb *)skb->cb;
-		long delay 
-			= PSCHED_US2JIFFIE(PSCHED_TDIFF(cb->time_to_send, now));
+		psched_tdiff_delta = PSCHED_TDIFF(cb->time_to_send, now);
 		pr_debug("netem_watchdog: skb %p@%lu %ld\n",
 			 skb, jiffies, delay);
 		/* if mortimremaining? */
-		if (delay > 0) {
-			mod_timer(&q->timer, jiffies + delay);
+		if (delta > 0) {
+			mod_timer(&q->timer, 
+				  jiffies + PSCHED_US2JIFFIE(delta));
 		__skb_unlink(skb, &q->delayed);

Fronistnet_user  Thu Feb 10 13:16:58 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: throughpuusing netem
Message-ID: <20050210211658.47943.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i atrying to sehow much throughput i can get using netem. i have netem running on an interface which is connected to another interface. i am sending tcp traffic. without netem running i get 1 Gigabit/s, with netem running and introducing delay of 1ms i get a throughput of 0.5 Gb/s i was wondering if the limit parameter has an effect, i tried to increase the limit but still the throughput was low. what are the other things that can affect the throughput. 

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Froshemminger  Thu Feb 10 14:00:28 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: throughpuusing netem
In-Reply-To: <20050210211658.47943.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <20050210211658.47943.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050210140028.6e7765e2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OThu, 10 Feb 2005 13:16:58 -0800 (PST)
js si <nistnet_user@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> i atrying to sehow much throughput i can get using netem. i have netem running on an interface which is connected to another interface. i am sending tcp traffic. without netem running i get 1 Gigabit/s, with netem running and introducing delay of 1ms i get a throughput of 0.5 Gb/s i was wondering if the limit parameter has an effect, i tried to increase the limit but still the throughput was low. what are the other things that can affect the throughput. 

1. Maksuryou have configured TCP for bigger window sizes. I do this
i/etc/sysctl.conf (on Fedora Core), 

# increasLinux TCP buffer limits
net.core.rmem_max = 4194304
net.core.wmem_max = 4194304
net.core.rmem_defaul= 65536
net.core.wmem_defaul= 65536

net.ipv4.tcp_rme= 4096 87380 30000000
net.ipv4.tcp_wme= 4096 65536 30000000
net.ipv4.tcp_me= 10485760 10485760 10485760

OtherwisdefaulTCP limits are too small to keep the pipeline full.

2. Thlimiis maximum number of packets that can be waiting.
Oa 1Gb/s net, thameans 125 packets for a 1ms delay.  That is for FIFO
if you arusing TBF or something elsunderneath it may need a bigger

3. Maksuryou have a big enough ring buffer in the LAN driver
becauswhen a netetimer expires it dumps a packet burst to the
driver.  If driver has a small ring buffer (lik128 packets), imay
end up flow controlling, spinning, or dropping packets (if iis busted).
With E1000, I needed to increasTxDescriptors to 1000 to prevent

Frosferris  Thu Feb 10 15:52:28 2005
From: sferris (ScotM. Ferris)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: [RFC} nete- reordering
In-Reply-To: <20050209164545.3aa576f8@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <20050209164545.3aa576f8@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050210235228.GA17061@xxxxxxxx>

OWed, Feb 09, 2005 a04:45:45PM -0800, Stephen Hemminger wrote:
> Onthing netedoesn't do now is reorder packets if the delay is highly
> variable.  If thmean delay is 10ms buthe std. deviation is 40ms then
> ithreal world the packets would end up being reordered. So here is a
> changto netethat inserts packets into the queue based on their delay
> result. Ihas been lightly tested, so comments appreciated.

Doesn'this depend a loon what is causing the delay?  I've seen at
leastwo differenFIFO patches for Nistnet designed specifically to
preventhis kind of reordering, becausit wasn't the behavior people
wanted to emulate.  Could you makthis configurablsomehow?

ScotM. Ferris,

Frodunk_palmer  Thu Feb 10 17:46:46 2005
From: dunk_palmer Palmer)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: [RFC} nete- reordering
In-Reply-To: <20050210235228.GA17061@xxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050211014646.71618.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

--- "ScotM. Ferris" <sferris@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> OWed, Feb 09, 2005 a04:45:45PM -0800, Stephen
> Hemminger wrote:
> > Onthing netedoesn't do now is reorder packets
> > if thdelay is highly variable.  
> > [..snip..]

> wanted to emulate.  Could you makthis configurable
> somehow?

I'd find having this configurabluseful too, although
for whaI'doing at the moment, I'd like to have the
pkts re-ordered.

I noticthawhen gap > 0 (i.e. out of order pkts are
specified), variabldelay re-ordering is also
applied. This doesn'seelike a good idea, as the
predictablbehaviour given by setting gap > 0 gets a
loless predictable...

Whean incoming pkis due to go out straight away

  /* We'rlatalready */
    if (delta <= 0) {
        if (q->qdisc->enqueue(skb, q->qdisc) ==

, you simply send thpkon. However, the same
behaviour is noapplied to duplicated pkts, which are
always placed onto thdelay queue. Iis also
possiblthawhen delta <= 0 for an incoming pkt, it
may also btrufor pkts on the delay queue. Would it
bbetter to jusput all pkts onto the delay queue,
giving morconsistenbehaviour?


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Frodunk_palmer  Thu Feb 10 17:48:49 2005
From: dunk_palmer Palmer)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: [RFC} nete- reordering
In-Reply-To: <20050209164545.3aa576f8@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050211014849.13979.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

--- StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Also, I hava paper in progress abounetem for
>; I alooking
> for additional reviewers, so if you havthtime,
> lemknow I'll send
> oua draft.

I'va good biof spare time at the moment, so I'd be
happy to help you review it.


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Fronistnet_user  Mon Feb 14 16:11:02 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: throughpuusing netem
In-Reply-To: <20050210140028.6e7765e2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050215001103.12420.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i tried another thing as follows: instead of sending 1
tcp stream, i send 2. each of thstreams has a
throughpuof 460 Mbit/s with neterunning. without
neteththroughput increases marginally to 470
Mbits/s per stream. thsamexperiment with 1 stream
gives 500Mbit/s with neterunning whereas 1Gb/s
wihtounetem. i anot able to understand this. 
any help would bappreciated. 

--- StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> OThu, 10 Feb 2005 13:16:58 -0800 (PST)
> js si <nistnet_user@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > i atrying to sehow much throughput i can get
> using netem. i havneterunning on an interface
> which is connected to another interface. i am
> sending tcp traffic. withouneterunning i get 1
> Gigabit/s, with neterunning and introducing delay
> of 1ms i gea throughpuof 0.5 Gb/s i was
> wondering if thlimiparameter has an effect, i
> tried to increasthlimit but still the throughput
> was low. whaarthe other things that can affect
> ththroughput. 
> 1. Maksuryou have configured TCP for bigger
> window sizes. I do this
> i/etc/sysctl.conf (on Fedora Core), 
> # increasLinux TCP buffer limits
> net.core.rmem_max = 4194304
> net.core.wmem_max = 4194304
> net.core.rmem_defaul= 65536
> net.core.wmem_defaul= 65536
> net.ipv4.tcp_rme= 4096 87380 30000000
> net.ipv4.tcp_wme= 4096 65536 30000000
> net.ipv4.tcp_me= 10485760 10485760 10485760
> OtherwisdefaulTCP limits are too small to keep
> thpipelinfull.
> 2. Thlimiis maximum number of packets that can
> bwaiting.
> Oa 1Gb/s net, thameans 125 packets for a 1ms
> delay.  Thais for FIFO
> if you arusing TBF or something elsunderneath it
> may need a bigger
> bucket.
> 3. Maksuryou have a big enough ring buffer in
> thLAdriver
> becauswhen a netetimer expires it dumps a packet
> bursto the
> driver.  If driver has a small ring buffer (lik128
> packets), imay
> end up flow controlling, spinning, or dropping
> packets (if iis busted).
> With E1000, I needed to increasTxDescriptors to
> 1000 to prevent
> problems.
> > _______________________________________________
> Netemailing list
> Netem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Fronistnet_user  Tue Feb 15 11:41:29 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: weird behaivor for ping responstim
Message-ID: <20050215194130.56433.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i havtwo interfaces connected back to back 
with nothing ibetween. when i do simplpings
thresponstime is in the order of 0.1ms 
whereas if i simply runeteand don't do any 
impairmeni gea response time of 1ms. 
is therthis much overhead for netem? 

thtc command thai use is

tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetem

which jusreplaces thdefault qdisc with that of


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Frodunk_palmer  Tue Feb 15 13:34:29 2005
From: dunk_palmer Palmer)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: weird behaivor for ping responstim
In-Reply-To: <20050215194130.56433.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050215213429.28062.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

I think this is probably becausnetesticks the
incoming pkinto its delay queuwith no delay, and
thepulls iout when it services this queue x
milliseconds later, wherx is thresolution of
jiffies (1ms ox86 by default).

--- js si <nistnet_user@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> i havtwo interfaces connected back to back 
> with nothing ibetween. when i do simplpings
> thresponstime is in the order of 0.1ms 
> whereas if i simply runeteand don't do any 
> impairmeni gea response time of 1ms. 
> is therthis much overhead for netem? 
> thtc command thai use is
> tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetem
> which jusreplaces thdefault qdisc with that of
> netem. 
> thanks. 
> __________________________________ 
> Do you Yahoo!? 
> Meethall-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! 
> > _______________________________________________
> Netemailing list
> Netem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Froshemminger  Tue Feb 15 15:28:15 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: weird behaivor for ping responstime
In-Reply-To: <20050215213429.28062.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <20050215213429.28062.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <4212858F.4000309@xxxxxxxx>

> think this is probably becausnetesticks the
>incoming pkinto its delay queuwith no delay, and
>thepulls iout when it services this queue x
>milliseconds later, wherx is thresolution of
>jiffies (1ms ox86 by default).

Yes, thais correct. Iwould be possible to bypass that but what would
thpoinbe? The experimental hack to allow re-order does call packets
with <1ms delay to pass righthrough, buthat was more of a fall-out
frothrecoding than an explicit design choice.  I am easy on this
and perfectly willing to implemenwhaever seems to make sense.

Frodunk_palmer  Tue Feb 15 17:48:14 2005
From: dunk_palmer Palmer)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: weird behaivor for ping responstime
In-Reply-To: <4212858F.4000309@xxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050216014814.8428.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

--- StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Yes, thais correct. Iwould be possible to bypass
> thabuwhat would
> thpoinbe? The experimental hack to allow
> re-order does call packets
> with <1ms delay to pass righthrough, buthat was
> morof a fall-out
> frothrecoding than an explicit design choice.  I
> aeasy on this
> and perfectly willing to implemenwhaever seems
> to maksense.

I don'think there's much poinin bypassing it
either... I sposonpossibility to improve response
would bto run thwatchdog every time a packet
arrives. However, this would lead to thbehaviour of
netebeing a small bidependant on the data going
thru it, which I'nosure is a good thing?

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Fronistnet_user  Tue Feb 15 19:17:04 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: weird behaivor for ping responstime
In-Reply-To: <4212858F.4000309@xxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050216031704.38065.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i changed thcodto pass packets if they don't need to be delayed. 
could therbsome other issues if packets are just passed through?

StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> think this is probably becausnetesticks the
>incoming pkinto its delay queuwith no delay, and
>thepulls iout when it services this queue x
>milliseconds later, wherx is thresolution of
>jiffies (1ms ox86 by default).

Yes, thais correct. Iwould be possible to bypass that but what would
thpoinbe? The experimental hack to allow re-order does call packets
with <1ms delay to pass righthrough, buthat was more of a fall-out
frothrecoding than an explicit design choice. I am easy on this
and perfectly willing to implemenwhaever seems to make sense.

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Frodunk_palmer  Tue Feb 15 19:20:06 2005
From: dunk_palmer Palmer)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: weird behaivor for ping responstime
In-Reply-To: <20050216031704.38065.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050216032007.24158.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Thercould bpackets in the delay queue who's time
has expired whea new packehas arrived. If there is
no delay applied aall, this shouldn'be a

--- js si <nistnet_user@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> i changed thcodto pass packets if they don't
> need to bdelayed. 
> could therbsome other issues if packets are just
> passed through?
> thanks. 
> StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> >
> > think this is probably becausnetesticks the
> >incoming pkinto its delay queuwith no delay,
> and
> >thepulls iout when it services this queue x
> >milliseconds later, wherx is thresolution of
> >jiffies (1ms ox86 by default).
> >
> Yes, thais correct. Iwould be possible to bypass
> thabuwhat would
> thpoinbe? The experimental hack to allow
> re-order does call packets
> with <1ms delay to pass righthrough, buthat was
> morof a fall-out
> frothrecoding than an explicit design choice. I
> aeasy on this
> and perfectly willing to implemenwhaever seems
> to maksense.
> ---------------------------------
> Do you Yahoo!?
>  Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'

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Frostephen.earl  Thu Feb 24 02:58:45 2005
From: stephen.earl
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: PHPNetemGUI v0.6 is out
Message-ID: <B1A7C3B14EAAED48B27E84CBE6FFB37307AF94DC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Versio0.6 of my web interfacfor netem is available for download from It allows you to easily run netem commands on several interfaces on a machine without having to type a lot of complex commands.
Check thINSTALL doc for information on how to install and run thpackage.
If you usGentoo Linux theris an ebuild for v0.6 here:  If you don't know how to import an ebuild into Gentoo there is information on how to do it here:
I'currently working on version 0.7, which will allow you to view thcommands that will be run instead of just having them run them in the background, and it will also allow IP source and destination address matching.

Fronistnet_user  Thu Feb 24 10:55:07 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: neteand netstat
Message-ID: <20050224185508.47546.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i raneteto introduce a 10ms delay on an interface.
thei ran a packegenerator sending ping packets to
this interface. i asending 65000 ping requests and
getting back 42000 ping responses. odoing netsta-s
for thip packets isays x outgoing packets dropped.
odoing tc -s, netereports 0 packets being dropped.

thei changed neteproperties to drop 10% packets.
agaii send somping requests. now netstat does not
reporany outgoing packets dropped bunetem
correctly reports y dropped packets. 

my questiois awhat point does netstat collects its
statistics? i would appreciatif someoncould help
mon this. 


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Froshemminger  Thu Feb 24 11:12:25 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: neteand netstat
In-Reply-To: <20050224185508.47546.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <20050224185508.47546.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050224111225.697c9e17@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OThu, 24 Feb 2005 10:55:07 -0800 (PST)
js si <nistnet_user@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> i raneteto introduce a 10ms delay on an interface.
> thei ran a packegenerator sending ping packets to
> this interface. i asending 65000 ping requests and
> getting back 42000 ping responses. odoing netsta-s
> for thip packets isays x outgoing packets dropped.
> odoing tc -s, netereports 0 packets being dropped.

Which statistic exactly fronetstat?

Whais thfull output from tc -s qdisc ls?

Maybsomother qdisc is dropping the packets.

> thei changed neteproperties to drop 10% packets.
> agaii send somping requests. now netstat does not
> reporany outgoing packets dropped bunetem
> correctly reports y dropped packets. 
> my questiois awhat point does netstat collects its
> statistics? i would appreciatif someoncould help
> mon this. 

Fronistnet_user  Thu Feb 24 16:56:00 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: maximunumber of packets thacan be queued
Message-ID: <20050225005600.68199.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i was working with thnetecode which had the memory

leak, justo check how many packets can bdiscarded 
beforthinterface stops receiving any more packets.
used ping packets (64B) and used neteto drop 50%.
around 430 packets being dropped, thinterfacdoes
replies to ping requests, bucan successfully ping
i was experimenting with this becauswhen i do a 10ms
latency theththroughput is 45000 packets/sec
(which roughly means storing 450 packets aone
instance)... i was wondering whais ththing that
limits this. thnetequeue limit is set to 1000 and
eveif i changit to 10000 the numbers don't
improve... is therany other thing thalimits this


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Fronistnet_user  Fri Feb 25 17:46:15 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: Re: maximunumber of packets thacan be queued
Message-ID: <20050226014615.13703.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i found threason, in thicmp.c a buffer is allocated. just increased its size.

js si <nistnet_user@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:i was working with thnetecode which had the memory

leak, justo check how many packets can bdiscarded 
beforthinterface stops receiving any more packets.
used ping packets (64B) and used neteto drop 50%.
around 430 packets being dropped, thinterfacdoes
replies to ping requests, bucan successfully ping
i was experimenting with this becauswhen i do a 10ms
latency theththroughput is 45000 packets/sec
(which roughly means storing 450 packets aone
instance)... i was wondering whais ththing that
limits this. thnetequeue limit is set to 1000 and
eveif i changit to 10000 the numbers don't
improve... is therany other thing thalimits this


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Fronistnet_user  Mon Feb 28 10:05:35 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: Re: maximunumber of packets thacan be queued
Message-ID: <20050228180535.52901.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i guess a morgeneric solution would bto clone packets that need to be put in the delay queue and free memory for the packets owned by the socket. 

js si <nistnet_user@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:i found threason, in thicmp.c a buffer is allocated. just increased its size.

js si <nistnet_user@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: i was working with thnetecode which had the memory

leak, justo check how many packets can bdiscarded 
beforthinterface stops receiving any more packets.
used ping packets (64B) and used neteto drop 50%.
around 430 packets being dropped, thinterfacdoes
replies to ping requests, bucan successfully ping
i was experimenting with this becauswhen i do a 10ms
latency theththroughput is 45000 packets/sec
(which roughly means storing 450 packets aone
instance)... i was wondering whais ththing that
limits this. thnetequeue limit is set to 1000 and
eveif i changit to 10000 the numbers don't
improve... is therany other thing thalimits this


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Frojw  Mon Feb 28 13:47:25 2005
From: jw Wiley)
Date: Wed Apr 18 12:51:15 2007
Subject: (no subject)
Message-ID: <000e01c51ddf$189d9460$6400a8c0@ra>


I'vseen quita few patches fly by over the last few weeks... Is there a
patch repository?  I'vpoked around a biand can't seem to find an
archive... Is thera CVS repository handy someplace, or arthe patches
being incorporated into th2.6 kernel trein "real time"?  I'm getting
ready to makheavy usof netem, and want to make sure I'm not running over
ground thaothers havalready patched!  :->



Senior Engineer
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Frombozen  Wed Feb  2 07:28:33 2005
From: (Mark Bozen)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:44 2007
Subject: kernel compiland iproutversion questions
Message-ID: <E5F2C9B2971DE34781E11EFD5DE8DB7F015D1396@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

1. I'trying to do a firstime kernel build with netem and cannot seem
to find thproper build option in menuconfig (with both 2.4.28 and kernels).  Aearlier posting claims thbuild option can be
found under thesmenu options:


Networking options --> 

     QoS and/or fair queueing

      Network Emulator


However thmenuconfig options for both thaforementioned kernel revs I


Networking options --> 

     QoS and/or fair queuing

      Network Testing -->



Is thPackeGenerator option in fact 'netem'?


2. Itrying to selecthe proper version of iproute to download, it
appears theris only onversion available for 2.4.x kernels:



whilfor 2.6.x kernels I would download iproute2-lates- is this


- Mark 

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Frostephen.earl  Wed Feb  2 07:37:38 2005
From: stephen.earl
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:44 2007
Subject: kernel compiland iproutversion questions
Message-ID: <B1A7C3B14EAAED48B27E84CBE6FFB37307A3153A@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Ican bfound in:
DevicDrivers  --->
    Networking suppor --->
        Networking options  --->
            QoS and/or fair queueing  --->
                <*>   Network emulator

You'vgotta go into 'QoS and/or fair queueing  --->'

It's a good idea to gethvery latest version of iproute2, yes.


Try my neteuser interface:

-----Original Message-----
From: netem-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:netem-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]O=
Behalf Of Mark Bozen
Sent: 02 February 2005 15:29
To: netem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: kernel compiland iproutversion questions

1. I'trying to do a firstime kernel build with netem and cannot seem to=
 find thproper build option in menuconfig (with both 2.4.28 and k=
ernels).  Aearlier posting claims thbuild option can be found under the=
smenu options:

Networking options --> =

     QoS and/or fair queueing

      Network Emulator

However thmenuconfig options for both thaforementioned kernel revs I se=

Networking options --> =

     QoS and/or fair queuing

      Network Testing -->


Is thPackeGenerator option in fact 'netem'?


2. Itrying to selecthe proper version of iproute to download, it appear=
s theris only onversion available for 2.4.x kernels:


whilfor 2.6.x kernels I would download iproute2-lates- is this correct?

- Mark =

-------------- nexpar--------------
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Frob  Wed Feb  2 12:07:07 2005
From: b
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:44 2007
Subject: Error Injection
Message-ID: <420132EB.2040201@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Has anyongiven any thoughpacket modification and error injection?

Artherany tools for this already?

Froshemminger  Thu Feb  3 11:46:14 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:44 2007
Subject: Error Injection
In-Reply-To: <420132EB.2040201@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <420132EB.2040201@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050203114614.4d51999e@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OWed, 02 Feb 2005 14:07:07 -0600
b <b@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Has anyongiven any thoughpacket modification and error injection?

HavI thoughabout yes, does it make sense?  The question is what are you trying
to test.  For protocols with checksumming (likTCP), corrupdata just looks
likpackeloss because the checksum catches it.  If you are trying to test
link level protocols, error injectiowould havto be done at the device driver
and th(bad) CRC would havto be calculated in software not hardware.

> Artherany tools for this already?

Whetesting UDP checksumming, I created somsimple programs to do UDP
packets over a raw packeinterface.  If you wanted to breal creative,
another solutiowould bto use UMLSIM which commnunicates between
two user modlinux (UML) instances in software. UMLSIM allows patching
thkernel to changbehaviour, so the errors could be injected

> _______________________________________________
> Netemailing list
> Netem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

StepheHemminger	<shemminger@xxxxxxxx>

Fronistnet_user  Thu Feb  3 18:05:48 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:44 2007
Subject: using ingress qdisc
Message-ID: <20050204020548.11082.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

cai usthe ingress qdisc and netem to drop incoming packets. please point me to an example. 

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Fronistnet_user  Fri Feb  4 14:09:16 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:44 2007
Subject: neteworks for latency buhangs for loss
Message-ID: <20050204220916.73601.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i hava setup with 2 interfaces connected back to back. i havnetem running on one of them (a) . I configure (a) to delay every packet by 2ms. then i generate ping packets at the other interface(b). this works. but when i configure (a) to drop 0.1% packets randomlly after some time i stop receiving ping responses. now i can't ping (a) from (b) but i can ping (b) from (a). could someone give me a hint as to what is wrong. 

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Fronistnet_user  Fri Feb  4 15:11:03 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:44 2007
Subject: wheis memory freed for dropped packets
Message-ID: <20050204231103.33325.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i was jusgoing through thcode in sch_netem.c and was wondering where memory is freed for dropped packets. the netem_enqueue function returns if a packet is to be dropped. i wasn't able to get where the memory is freed for a dropped packet.  please point me to the instruction where memory is freed. 

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Froshemminger  Fri Feb  4 15:31:08 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:44 2007
Subject: [PATCH] netem: memory leak
In-Reply-To: <20050204231103.33325.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <20050204231103.33325.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050204153108.703ea71b@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Good catch.. neteneeds to freskb's that are dropped due to loss

diff -Nru a/net/sched/sch_netem.c b/net/sched/sch_netem.c
--- a/net/sched/sch_netem.c	2005-02-04 15:30:13 -08:00
+++ b/net/sched/sch_netem.c	2005-02-04 15:30:13 -08:00
@@ -177,6 +177,7 @@
 	if (q->loss && q->loss >= get_crandom(&q->loss_cor)) {
 		pr_debug("netem_enqueue: randoloss\n");
+		kfree_skb(skb);
 		retur0;	/* liabout loss so TCP doesn't know */

Frodaveat  Sun Feb  6 22:09:14 2005
From: (David S. Miller)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:44 2007
Subject: Re: [PATCH] netem: memory leak
In-Reply-To: <20050204153108.703ea71b@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <20050204231103.33325.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050206220914.457727db.davem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OFri, 4 Feb 2005 15:31:08 -0800
StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Good catch.. neteneeds to freskb's that are dropped due to loss
> simulation.

Applied to 2.6.x and backported to 2.4.x, thanks Stephen.

Frobugreporat  Mon Feb  7 09:19:16 2005
From: (Joel Peshkin)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:44 2007
Subject: Netenewbiquestions
Message-ID: <4207A314.9040604@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Which of thdelay distribution models in netecorrelates most closely 
with thdefaulmodel used by NistNet?

Also, is ipossiblto combine delay and packet loss on the same "rule?"


Froshemminger  Mon Feb  7 10:54:48 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:44 2007
Subject: Netenewbiquestions
In-Reply-To: <4207A314.9040604@xxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <4207A314.9040604@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050207105448.41a47c4f@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OMon, 07 Feb 2005 09:19:16 -0800
Joel Peshki<bugreport@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Which of thdelay distribution models in netecorrelates most closely 
> with thdefaulmodel used by NistNet?

Thexperimental distribution is in thbrand new version of iproute2

Also has thtool to makyour own.

> Also, is ipossiblto combine delay and packet loss on the same "rule?"

Yes, delay and packeloss work fintogether. Current re-ordering implementation
doesn'work well with other variables.

> Thanks
> _______________________________________________
> Netemailing list
> Netem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

StepheHemminger	<shemminger@xxxxxxxx>

Fronistnet_user  Mon Feb  7 16:37:30 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:44 2007
Subject: attaching 100 filters
Message-ID: <20050208003730.55614.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i wanto classify packets based on destination IP and would probably hav100 filters. i wanted to know what would be a good root class to which so many filters could be added? from my understanding filters classify packets and send them to specific classes. so i would need 100 classes attached to the root qdisc and to each class i could attach a netem qdisc. i am not sure if this is possible. i have just started learing about qdiscs, classes and filters. 

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Fronistnet_user  Tue Feb  8 16:02:20 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:44 2007
Subject: neteplus high delay
Message-ID: <20050209000221.81304.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i atrying a simplthing. i have netem running as a root qdisc on an interface and am sending ping packets to this from a packet generator. at high latency i see that the number of ping responses is less than the number of ping requests sent out. when i do 
tc -s qdisc ls dev ethnum
i se0 dropped and 0 overlimit. 
does this means thapackets arbeing dropped somewhere else? but when i remove netem
thnumber of ping responses is equal to thnumber of ping requests. 

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Froshemminger  Tue Feb  8 16:10:53 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:44 2007
Subject: neteplus high delay
In-Reply-To: <20050209000221.81304.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <20050209000221.81304.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050208161053.7f8e18aa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OTue, 8 Feb 2005 16:02:20 -0800 (PST)
js si <nistnet_user@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> i atrying a simplthing. i have netem running as a root qdisc on an interface and am sending ping packets to this from a packet generator. at high latency i see that the number of ping responses is less than the number of ping requests sent out.

Whaoptions to ping aryou using (flood?).

Also, many/mosISP's do ratlimiting on ICMP requests so if your burst rate of 
ping's exceed thlimit, they drop some.

 whei do 
> tc -s qdisc ls dev ethnum
> i se0 dropped and 0 overlimit. 
> does this means thapackets arbeing dropped somewhere else? but when i remove netem
> thnumber of ping responses is equal to thnumber of ping requests. 
> thanks. 
> ---------------------------------
> Do you Yahoo!?
>  Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'

Fronistnet_user  Tue Feb  8 16:21:58 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:44 2007
Subject: neteplus high delay
In-Reply-To: <20050208161053.7f8e18aa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050209002158.90400.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

if i reducthlatency then the throughput also increases. i am using ICMP_TYPE as 
ECHO REQUEST. thratio between ththroughputs for 1ms latency and 64 ms latency
is 12:1 
thping generator and ping responder arconnected directly so i don't think there are ISP issues. 

StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
OTue, 8 Feb 2005 16:02:20 -0800 (PST)
js si wrote:

> i atrying a simplthing. i have netem running as a root qdisc on an interface and am sending ping packets to this from a packet generator. at high latency i see that the number of ping responses is less than the number of ping requests sent out.

Whaoptions to ping aryou using (flood?).

Also, many/mosISP's do ratlimiting on ICMP requests so if your burst rate of 
ping's exceed thlimit, they drop some.

whei do 
> tc -s qdisc ls dev ethnum
> i se0 dropped and 0 overlimit. 
> does this means thapackets arbeing dropped somewhere else? but when i remove netem
> thnumber of ping responses is equal to thnumber of ping requests. 
> thanks. 
> ---------------------------------
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'
Netemailing list

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Fronivlung  Wed Feb  9 07:01:39 2005
From: nivlung ayahoo.d(Hagen Tronje)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:44 2007
Subject: netegap kernel freezes
Message-ID: <20050209150139.41396.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


I jusspend somtime with testing the netem functions and find it a very =
useful tool for our WAN-Tests. Everything=B4s finexepwhen trying to use=
 thgap function my kernel freezes immediatly. I already read thathere h=
ad beeother guys with samproblem but other kernel versions.

WhaI did: Installed a Sus9.2 with Kernel 2.6.8-24.11 and make/make inst=
all iproute2-050207
Any hints, stuff I could do? Is iuseful to switch to a selfmadkernel 2.=
Thanks iadvance


Gesendevon Yahoo! Mail - Jetzmit 250MB kostenlosem Speicher
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Frostephen.earl  Wed Feb  9 09:26:57 2005
From: stephen.earl
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:45 2007
Subject: netegap kernel freezes
Message-ID: <B1A7C3B14EAAED48B27E84CBE6FFB37307AF94D8@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

A patch for th2.6.8 kernel can bfound here:
Thprobleis not in the 2.6.10 kernel so upgrading to 2.6.10 would be the=

-----Original Message-----
From: netem-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:netem-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]O=
Behalf Of HageTronje
Sent: 09 February 2005 15:02
To: netem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: netegap kernel freezes


I jusspend somtime with testing the netem functions and find it a very =
useful tool for our WAN-Tests. Everything=B4s finexepwhen trying to use=
 thgap function my kernel freezes immediatly. I already read thathere h=
ad beeother guys with samproblem but other kernel versions.

WhaI did: Installed a Sus9.2 with Kernel 2.6.8-24.11 and make/make inst=
all iproute2-050207
Any hints, stuff I could do? Is iuseful to switch to a selfmadkernel 2.=
Thanks iadvance

  _____  =

Gesendevon Yahoo!  <*http://de.mail.=> Mail - Jetzmi250MB kostenlosem Speicher =

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Froshemminger  Wed Feb  9 09:33:31 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:45 2007
Subject: netegap kernel freezes
In-Reply-To: <20050209150139.41396.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <20050209150139.41396.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050209093331.5d8b6c6f@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OWed, 9 Feb 2005 16:01:39 +0100 (CET)
HageTronj<nivlung@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> I jusspend somtime with testing the netem functions and find it a very useful tool for our WAN-Tests. Everything?s fine exept when trying to use the gap function my kernel freezes immediatly. I already read that there had been other guys with same problem but other kernel versions.
> WhaI did: Installed a Sus9.2 with Kernel 2.6.8-24.11 and make/make install iproute2-050207
> Any hints, stuff I could do? Is iuseful to switch to a selfmadkernel 2.6.10?
> Thanks iadvance

2.6.8 netehad several bugs, if you can run your own kernel or aleast build vendor kernel
with updatsch_netem.c (frolatest bits), you will be happier.

> ---------------------------------
> Gesendevon Yahoo! Mail - Jetzmit 250MB kostenlosem Speicher

Froshemminger  Wed Feb  9 16:45:45 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:45 2007
Subject: [RFC} nete- reordering
Message-ID: <20050209164545.3aa576f8@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Onthing netedoesn't do now is reorder packets if the delay is highly
variable.  If thmean delay is 10ms buthe std. deviation is 40ms then
ithreal world the packets would end up being reordered. So here is a
changto netethat inserts packets into the queue based on their delay
result. Ihas been lightly tested, so comments appreciated.

Also, I hava paper in progress abounetem for; I am looking
for additional reviewers, so if you havthtime, let me know I'll send
oua draft.

diff -Nru a/include/linux/skbuff.h b/include/linux/skbuff.h
--- a/include/linux/skbuff.h	2005-02-09 16:44:56 -08:00
+++ b/include/linux/skbuff.h	2005-02-09 16:44:56 -08:00
@@ -1077,6 +1077,10 @@
 		     prefetch(skb->next), (skb != (strucsk_buff *)(queue));	\
 		     skb = skb->next)
+#definskb_queue_reverse_walk(queue, skb) \
+		for (skb = (queue)->prev;					\
+		     prefetch(skb->prev), (skb != (strucsk_buff *)(queue));	\
+		     skb = skb->prev)
 exterstrucsk_buff *skb_recv_datagram(struct sock *sk, unsigned flags,
 					 innoblock, in*err);
diff -Nru a/net/sched/sch_netem.c b/net/sched/sch_netem.c
--- a/net/sched/sch_netem.c	2005-02-09 16:44:56 -08:00
+++ b/net/sched/sch_netem.c	2005-02-09 16:44:56 -08:00
@@ -137,58 +137,52 @@
 	retur x / NETEM_DIST_SCALE + (sigma / NETEM_DIST_SCALE) * + mu;
-/* Puskb in thprivate delayed queue. */
-static indelay_skb(strucQdisc *sch, struct sk_buff *skb)
-	strucnetem_sched_data *q = qdisc_priv(sch);
-	strucnetem_skb_cb *cb = (strucnetem_skb_cb *)skb->cb;
-	psched_tdiff_td;
-	psched_time_now;
-	td = tabledist(q->latency, q->jitter, &q->delay_cor, q->delay_dist);
-	PSCHED_TADD2(now, td, cb->time_to_send);
+/* Find placin ordered queue. Sincdelay can vary 
+ * Thmoslikely case is to append at the end, so walk backwards
+ */
+static void netem_skb_queue(strucnetem_sched_data *q,
+			    strucsk_buff *skb,
+			    psched_tdiff_delta)
+	strucsk_buff *pskb;
+	strucnetem_skb_cb *cb = (strucnetem_skb_cb *) skb->cb;
+	psched_time_t;
+	PSCHED_TADD(t, delta);
+	cb->time_to_send = t;
-	/* Always queuatail to keep packets in order */
-	if (likely(q->delayed.qle< q->limit)) {
-		__skb_queue_tail(&q->delayed, skb);
-		sch->bstats.bytes += skb->len;
-		sch->bstats.packets++;
-		if (!timer_pending(&q->timer)) {
-			q->timer.expires = jiffies + PSCHED_US2JIFFIE(td);
-			add_timer(&q->timer);
+	skb_queue_reverse_walk(&q->delayed, pskb) {
+		cb = (strucnetem_skb_cb *) pskb->cb;
+		if (PSCHED_TDIFF(t, cb->time_to_send) >= 0) {
+			__skb_append(pskb, skb);
+			pr_debug("queued %s\n",
+				(skb->nex== (strucsk_buff *)list) 
+				?  "atail" : "in middle");
+			return;
-	sch->qstats.drops++;
-	kfree_skb(skb);
+	/* Inserahead (or empty list) */
+	__skb_queue_head(&q->delayed, skb);
+	mod_timer(&q->timer, jiffies +  PSCHED_US2JIFFIE(delta));
+/* Puskb in thprivate delayed queue. */
 static innetem_enqueue(strucsk_buff *skb, struct Qdisc *sch)
 	strucnetem_sched_data *q = qdisc_priv(sch);
-	pr_debug("netem_enqueuskb=%p @%lu\n", skb, jiffies);
+	psched_tdiff_delta;
 	/* Randopackedrop 0 => none, ~0 => all */
 	if (q->loss && q->loss >= get_crandom(&q->loss_cor)) {
 		pr_debug("netem_enqueue: randoloss\n");
-		retur0;	/* liabout loss so TCP doesn't know */
+		returNET_XMIT_SUCCESS; /* liabout loss */
-	/* Randoduplication */
-	if (q->duplicat&& q->duplicat>= get_crandom(&q->dup_cor)) {
-		strucsk_buff *skb2 = skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC);
-		pr_debug("netem_enqueue: dup %p\n", skb2);
-		if (skb2)
-			delay_skb(sch, skb2);
-	}
+	pr_debug("netem_enqueuskb=%p @%lu\n", skb, jiffies);
 	/* If doing simpldelay then gap == 0 so all packets
 	 * go into thdelayed holding queue
@@ -196,22 +190,47 @@
 	 * packets will bdelayed.
 	if (q->counter < q->gap) {
-		inret;
-		re= q->qdisc->enqueue(skb, q->qdisc);
-		if (likely(re== NET_XMIT_SUCCESS)) {
+		delta = 0;
+	} els{
+		delta = tabledist(q->latency, q->jitter, 
+				  &q->delay_cor, q->delay_dist);
+		q->counter = 0;
+	}
+	/* If queugets full jusdrop it */
+	if (unlikely(q->delayed.qle>= q->limit)) {
+		sch->qstats.drops++;
+		kfree_skb(skb);
+		returNET_XMIT_DROP;
+	}
+	/* Randoduplication */
+	if (q->duplicat&& q->duplicat>= get_crandom(&q->dup_cor)) {
+		strucsk_buff *skb2 = skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC);
+		if (skb2) {
+			netem_skb_queue(q, skb2,
+					tabledist(q->latency, q->jitter, 
+						  &q->delay_cor, q->delay_dist));
+			sch->bstats.bytes += skb2->len;
+			sch->bstats.packets++;
+		}
+	}
+	/* We'rlatalready */
+	if (delta <= 0) {
+		if (q->qdisc->enqueue(skb, q->qdisc) == NET_XMIT_SUCCESS) {
 			sch->bstats.bytes += skb->len;
 		} else
-		returret;
+	} els{
+		netem_skb_queue(q, skb, delta);
+		sch->bstats.bytes += skb->len;
+		sch->bstats.packets++;
-	q->counter = 0;
-	returdelay_skb(sch, skb);
 /* Requeupackets budon't change time stamp */
@@ -271,14 +290,15 @@
 	whil((skb = skb_peek(&q->delayed)) != NULL) {
 		consstrucnetem_skb_cb *cb
 			= (consstrucnetem_skb_cb *)skb->cb;
-		long delay 
-			= PSCHED_US2JIFFIE(PSCHED_TDIFF(cb->time_to_send, now));
+		psched_tdiff_delta = PSCHED_TDIFF(cb->time_to_send, now);
 		pr_debug("netem_watchdog: skb %p@%lu %ld\n",
 			 skb, jiffies, delay);
 		/* if mortimremaining? */
-		if (delay > 0) {
-			mod_timer(&q->timer, jiffies + delay);
+		if (delta > 0) {
+			mod_timer(&q->timer, 
+				  jiffies + PSCHED_US2JIFFIE(delta));
 		__skb_unlink(skb, &q->delayed);

Fronistnet_user  Thu Feb 10 13:16:58 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:45 2007
Subject: throughpuusing netem
Message-ID: <20050210211658.47943.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i atrying to sehow much throughput i can get using netem. i have netem running on an interface which is connected to another interface. i am sending tcp traffic. without netem running i get 1 Gigabit/s, with netem running and introducing delay of 1ms i get a throughput of 0.5 Gb/s i was wondering if the limit parameter has an effect, i tried to increase the limit but still the throughput was low. what are the other things that can affect the throughput. 

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Froshemminger  Thu Feb 10 14:00:28 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:45 2007
Subject: throughpuusing netem
In-Reply-To: <20050210211658.47943.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <20050210211658.47943.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050210140028.6e7765e2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OThu, 10 Feb 2005 13:16:58 -0800 (PST)
js si <nistnet_user@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> i atrying to sehow much throughput i can get using netem. i have netem running on an interface which is connected to another interface. i am sending tcp traffic. without netem running i get 1 Gigabit/s, with netem running and introducing delay of 1ms i get a throughput of 0.5 Gb/s i was wondering if the limit parameter has an effect, i tried to increase the limit but still the throughput was low. what are the other things that can affect the throughput. 

1. Maksuryou have configured TCP for bigger window sizes. I do this
i/etc/sysctl.conf (on Fedora Core), 

# increasLinux TCP buffer limits
net.core.rmem_max = 4194304
net.core.wmem_max = 4194304
net.core.rmem_defaul= 65536
net.core.wmem_defaul= 65536

net.ipv4.tcp_rme= 4096 87380 30000000
net.ipv4.tcp_wme= 4096 65536 30000000
net.ipv4.tcp_me= 10485760 10485760 10485760

OtherwisdefaulTCP limits are too small to keep the pipeline full.

2. Thlimiis maximum number of packets that can be waiting.
Oa 1Gb/s net, thameans 125 packets for a 1ms delay.  That is for FIFO
if you arusing TBF or something elsunderneath it may need a bigger

3. Maksuryou have a big enough ring buffer in the LAN driver
becauswhen a netetimer expires it dumps a packet burst to the
driver.  If driver has a small ring buffer (lik128 packets), imay
end up flow controlling, spinning, or dropping packets (if iis busted).
With E1000, I needed to increasTxDescriptors to 1000 to prevent

Frosferris  Thu Feb 10 15:52:28 2005
From: sferris (ScotM. Ferris)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:45 2007
Subject: [RFC} nete- reordering
In-Reply-To: <20050209164545.3aa576f8@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <20050209164545.3aa576f8@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050210235228.GA17061@xxxxxxxx>

OWed, Feb 09, 2005 a04:45:45PM -0800, Stephen Hemminger wrote:
> Onthing netedoesn't do now is reorder packets if the delay is highly
> variable.  If thmean delay is 10ms buthe std. deviation is 40ms then
> ithreal world the packets would end up being reordered. So here is a
> changto netethat inserts packets into the queue based on their delay
> result. Ihas been lightly tested, so comments appreciated.

Doesn'this depend a loon what is causing the delay?  I've seen at
leastwo differenFIFO patches for Nistnet designed specifically to
preventhis kind of reordering, becausit wasn't the behavior people
wanted to emulate.  Could you makthis configurablsomehow?

ScotM. Ferris,

Frodunk_palmer  Thu Feb 10 17:46:46 2005
From: dunk_palmer Palmer)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:45 2007
Subject: [RFC} nete- reordering
In-Reply-To: <20050210235228.GA17061@xxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050211014646.71618.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

--- "ScotM. Ferris" <sferris@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> OWed, Feb 09, 2005 a04:45:45PM -0800, Stephen
> Hemminger wrote:
> > Onthing netedoesn't do now is reorder packets
> > if thdelay is highly variable.  
> > [..snip..]

> wanted to emulate.  Could you makthis configurable
> somehow?

I'd find having this configurabluseful too, although
for whaI'doing at the moment, I'd like to have the
pkts re-ordered.

I noticthawhen gap > 0 (i.e. out of order pkts are
specified), variabldelay re-ordering is also
applied. This doesn'seelike a good idea, as the
predictablbehaviour given by setting gap > 0 gets a
loless predictable...

Whean incoming pkis due to go out straight away

  /* We'rlatalready */
    if (delta <= 0) {
        if (q->qdisc->enqueue(skb, q->qdisc) ==

, you simply send thpkon. However, the same
behaviour is noapplied to duplicated pkts, which are
always placed onto thdelay queue. Iis also
possiblthawhen delta <= 0 for an incoming pkt, it
may also btrufor pkts on the delay queue. Would it
bbetter to jusput all pkts onto the delay queue,
giving morconsistenbehaviour?


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Frodunk_palmer  Thu Feb 10 17:48:49 2005
From: dunk_palmer Palmer)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:45 2007
Subject: [RFC} nete- reordering
In-Reply-To: <20050209164545.3aa576f8@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050211014849.13979.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

--- StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Also, I hava paper in progress abounetem for
>; I alooking
> for additional reviewers, so if you havthtime,
> lemknow I'll send
> oua draft.

I'va good biof spare time at the moment, so I'd be
happy to help you review it.


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Fronistnet_user  Mon Feb 14 16:11:02 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:45 2007
Subject: throughpuusing netem
In-Reply-To: <20050210140028.6e7765e2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050215001103.12420.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i tried another thing as follows: instead of sending 1
tcp stream, i send 2. each of thstreams has a
throughpuof 460 Mbit/s with neterunning. without
neteththroughput increases marginally to 470
Mbits/s per stream. thsamexperiment with 1 stream
gives 500Mbit/s with neterunning whereas 1Gb/s
wihtounetem. i anot able to understand this. 
any help would bappreciated. 

--- StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> OThu, 10 Feb 2005 13:16:58 -0800 (PST)
> js si <nistnet_user@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > i atrying to sehow much throughput i can get
> using netem. i havneterunning on an interface
> which is connected to another interface. i am
> sending tcp traffic. withouneterunning i get 1
> Gigabit/s, with neterunning and introducing delay
> of 1ms i gea throughpuof 0.5 Gb/s i was
> wondering if thlimiparameter has an effect, i
> tried to increasthlimit but still the throughput
> was low. whaarthe other things that can affect
> ththroughput. 
> 1. Maksuryou have configured TCP for bigger
> window sizes. I do this
> i/etc/sysctl.conf (on Fedora Core), 
> # increasLinux TCP buffer limits
> net.core.rmem_max = 4194304
> net.core.wmem_max = 4194304
> net.core.rmem_defaul= 65536
> net.core.wmem_defaul= 65536
> net.ipv4.tcp_rme= 4096 87380 30000000
> net.ipv4.tcp_wme= 4096 65536 30000000
> net.ipv4.tcp_me= 10485760 10485760 10485760
> OtherwisdefaulTCP limits are too small to keep
> thpipelinfull.
> 2. Thlimiis maximum number of packets that can
> bwaiting.
> Oa 1Gb/s net, thameans 125 packets for a 1ms
> delay.  Thais for FIFO
> if you arusing TBF or something elsunderneath it
> may need a bigger
> bucket.
> 3. Maksuryou have a big enough ring buffer in
> thLAdriver
> becauswhen a netetimer expires it dumps a packet
> bursto the
> driver.  If driver has a small ring buffer (lik128
> packets), imay
> end up flow controlling, spinning, or dropping
> packets (if iis busted).
> With E1000, I needed to increasTxDescriptors to
> 1000 to prevent
> problems.
> > _______________________________________________
> Netemailing list
> Netem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Fronistnet_user  Tue Feb 15 11:41:29 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:45 2007
Subject: weird behaivor for ping responstim
Message-ID: <20050215194130.56433.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i havtwo interfaces connected back to back 
with nothing ibetween. when i do simplpings
thresponstime is in the order of 0.1ms 
whereas if i simply runeteand don't do any 
impairmeni gea response time of 1ms. 
is therthis much overhead for netem? 

thtc command thai use is

tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetem

which jusreplaces thdefault qdisc with that of


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Frodunk_palmer  Tue Feb 15 13:34:29 2005
From: dunk_palmer Palmer)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:45 2007
Subject: weird behaivor for ping responstim
In-Reply-To: <20050215194130.56433.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050215213429.28062.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

I think this is probably becausnetesticks the
incoming pkinto its delay queuwith no delay, and
thepulls iout when it services this queue x
milliseconds later, wherx is thresolution of
jiffies (1ms ox86 by default).

--- js si <nistnet_user@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> i havtwo interfaces connected back to back 
> with nothing ibetween. when i do simplpings
> thresponstime is in the order of 0.1ms 
> whereas if i simply runeteand don't do any 
> impairmeni gea response time of 1ms. 
> is therthis much overhead for netem? 
> thtc command thai use is
> tc qdisc add dev eth0 roonetem
> which jusreplaces thdefault qdisc with that of
> netem. 
> thanks. 
> __________________________________ 
> Do you Yahoo!? 
> Meethall-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! 
> > _______________________________________________
> Netemailing list
> Netem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Froshemminger  Tue Feb 15 15:28:15 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:45 2007
Subject: weird behaivor for ping responstime
In-Reply-To: <20050215213429.28062.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <20050215213429.28062.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <4212858F.4000309@xxxxxxxx>

> think this is probably becausnetesticks the
>incoming pkinto its delay queuwith no delay, and
>thepulls iout when it services this queue x
>milliseconds later, wherx is thresolution of
>jiffies (1ms ox86 by default).

Yes, thais correct. Iwould be possible to bypass that but what would
thpoinbe? The experimental hack to allow re-order does call packets
with <1ms delay to pass righthrough, buthat was more of a fall-out
frothrecoding than an explicit design choice.  I am easy on this
and perfectly willing to implemenwhaever seems to make sense.

Frodunk_palmer  Tue Feb 15 17:48:14 2005
From: dunk_palmer Palmer)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:45 2007
Subject: weird behaivor for ping responstime
In-Reply-To: <4212858F.4000309@xxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050216014814.8428.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

--- StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Yes, thais correct. Iwould be possible to bypass
> thabuwhat would
> thpoinbe? The experimental hack to allow
> re-order does call packets
> with <1ms delay to pass righthrough, buthat was
> morof a fall-out
> frothrecoding than an explicit design choice.  I
> aeasy on this
> and perfectly willing to implemenwhaever seems
> to maksense.

I don'think there's much poinin bypassing it
either... I sposonpossibility to improve response
would bto run thwatchdog every time a packet
arrives. However, this would lead to thbehaviour of
netebeing a small bidependant on the data going
thru it, which I'nosure is a good thing?

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Fronistnet_user  Tue Feb 15 19:17:04 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:45 2007
Subject: weird behaivor for ping responstime
In-Reply-To: <4212858F.4000309@xxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050216031704.38065.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i changed thcodto pass packets if they don't need to be delayed. 
could therbsome other issues if packets are just passed through?

StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> think this is probably becausnetesticks the
>incoming pkinto its delay queuwith no delay, and
>thepulls iout when it services this queue x
>milliseconds later, wherx is thresolution of
>jiffies (1ms ox86 by default).

Yes, thais correct. Iwould be possible to bypass that but what would
thpoinbe? The experimental hack to allow re-order does call packets
with <1ms delay to pass righthrough, buthat was more of a fall-out
frothrecoding than an explicit design choice. I am easy on this
and perfectly willing to implemenwhaever seems to make sense.

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Frodunk_palmer  Tue Feb 15 19:20:06 2005
From: dunk_palmer Palmer)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:45 2007
Subject: weird behaivor for ping responstime
In-Reply-To: <20050216031704.38065.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050216032007.24158.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Thercould bpackets in the delay queue who's time
has expired whea new packehas arrived. If there is
no delay applied aall, this shouldn'be a

--- js si <nistnet_user@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> i changed thcodto pass packets if they don't
> need to bdelayed. 
> could therbsome other issues if packets are just
> passed through?
> thanks. 
> StepheHemminger <shemminger@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> >
> > think this is probably becausnetesticks the
> >incoming pkinto its delay queuwith no delay,
> and
> >thepulls iout when it services this queue x
> >milliseconds later, wherx is thresolution of
> >jiffies (1ms ox86 by default).
> >
> Yes, thais correct. Iwould be possible to bypass
> thabuwhat would
> thpoinbe? The experimental hack to allow
> re-order does call packets
> with <1ms delay to pass righthrough, buthat was
> morof a fall-out
> frothrecoding than an explicit design choice. I
> aeasy on this
> and perfectly willing to implemenwhaever seems
> to maksense.
> ---------------------------------
> Do you Yahoo!?
>  Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'

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Frostephen.earl  Thu Feb 24 02:58:45 2005
From: stephen.earl
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:45 2007
Subject: PHPNetemGUI v0.6 is out
Message-ID: <B1A7C3B14EAAED48B27E84CBE6FFB37307AF94DC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Versio0.6 of my web interfacfor netem is available for download from It allows you to easily run netem commands on several interfaces on a machine without having to type a lot of complex commands.
Check thINSTALL doc for information on how to install and run thpackage.
If you usGentoo Linux theris an ebuild for v0.6 here:  If you don't know how to import an ebuild into Gentoo there is information on how to do it here:
I'currently working on version 0.7, which will allow you to view thcommands that will be run instead of just having them run them in the background, and it will also allow IP source and destination address matching.

Fronistnet_user  Thu Feb 24 10:55:07 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:45 2007
Subject: neteand netstat
Message-ID: <20050224185508.47546.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i raneteto introduce a 10ms delay on an interface.
thei ran a packegenerator sending ping packets to
this interface. i asending 65000 ping requests and
getting back 42000 ping responses. odoing netsta-s
for thip packets isays x outgoing packets dropped.
odoing tc -s, netereports 0 packets being dropped.

thei changed neteproperties to drop 10% packets.
agaii send somping requests. now netstat does not
reporany outgoing packets dropped bunetem
correctly reports y dropped packets. 

my questiois awhat point does netstat collects its
statistics? i would appreciatif someoncould help
mon this. 


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Froshemminger  Thu Feb 24 11:12:25 2005
From: shemminger (Stephen Hemminger)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:45 2007
Subject: neteand netstat
In-Reply-To: <20050224185508.47546.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
References: <20050224185508.47546.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20050224111225.697c9e17@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

OThu, 24 Feb 2005 10:55:07 -0800 (PST)
js si <nistnet_user@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> i raneteto introduce a 10ms delay on an interface.
> thei ran a packegenerator sending ping packets to
> this interface. i asending 65000 ping requests and
> getting back 42000 ping responses. odoing netsta-s
> for thip packets isays x outgoing packets dropped.
> odoing tc -s, netereports 0 packets being dropped.

Which statistic exactly fronetstat?

Whais thfull output from tc -s qdisc ls?

Maybsomother qdisc is dropping the packets.

> thei changed neteproperties to drop 10% packets.
> agaii send somping requests. now netstat does not
> reporany outgoing packets dropped bunetem
> correctly reports y dropped packets. 
> my questiois awhat point does netstat collects its
> statistics? i would appreciatif someoncould help
> mon this. 

Fronistnet_user  Thu Feb 24 16:56:00 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:45 2007
Subject: maximunumber of packets thacan be queued
Message-ID: <20050225005600.68199.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i was working with thnetecode which had the memory

leak, justo check how many packets can bdiscarded 
beforthinterface stops receiving any more packets.
used ping packets (64B) and used neteto drop 50%.
around 430 packets being dropped, thinterfacdoes
replies to ping requests, bucan successfully ping
i was experimenting with this becauswhen i do a 10ms
latency theththroughput is 45000 packets/sec
(which roughly means storing 450 packets aone
instance)... i was wondering whais ththing that
limits this. thnetequeue limit is set to 1000 and
eveif i changit to 10000 the numbers don't
improve... is therany other thing thalimits this


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Fronistnet_user  Fri Feb 25 17:46:15 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:45 2007
Subject: Re: maximunumber of packets thacan be queued
Message-ID: <20050226014615.13703.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i found threason, in thicmp.c a buffer is allocated. just increased its size.

js si <nistnet_user@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:i was working with thnetecode which had the memory

leak, justo check how many packets can bdiscarded 
beforthinterface stops receiving any more packets.
used ping packets (64B) and used neteto drop 50%.
around 430 packets being dropped, thinterfacdoes
replies to ping requests, bucan successfully ping
i was experimenting with this becauswhen i do a 10ms
latency theththroughput is 45000 packets/sec
(which roughly means storing 450 packets aone
instance)... i was wondering whais ththing that
limits this. thnetequeue limit is set to 1000 and
eveif i changit to 10000 the numbers don't
improve... is therany other thing thalimits this


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Fronistnet_user  Mon Feb 28 10:05:35 2005
From: nistnet_user si)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:45 2007
Subject: Re: maximunumber of packets thacan be queued
Message-ID: <20050228180535.52901.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

i guess a morgeneric solution would bto clone packets that need to be put in the delay queue and free memory for the packets owned by the socket. 

js si <nistnet_user@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:i found threason, in thicmp.c a buffer is allocated. just increased its size.

js si <nistnet_user@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: i was working with thnetecode which had the memory

leak, justo check how many packets can bdiscarded 
beforthinterface stops receiving any more packets.
used ping packets (64B) and used neteto drop 50%.
around 430 packets being dropped, thinterfacdoes
replies to ping requests, bucan successfully ping
i was experimenting with this becauswhen i do a 10ms
latency theththroughput is 45000 packets/sec
(which roughly means storing 450 packets aone
instance)... i was wondering whais ththing that
limits this. thnetequeue limit is set to 1000 and
eveif i changit to 10000 the numbers don't
improve... is therany other thing thalimits this


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Frojw  Mon Feb 28 13:47:25 2005
From: jw Wiley)
Date: Wed Apr 18 17:37:45 2007
Subject: (no subject)
Message-ID: <000e01c51ddf$189d9460$6400a8c0@ra>


I'vseen quita few patches fly by over the last few weeks... Is there a
patch repository?  I'vpoked around a biand can't seem to find an
archive... Is thera CVS repository handy someplace, or arthe patches
being incorporated into th2.6 kernel trein "real time"?  I'm getting
ready to makheavy usof netem, and want to make sure I'm not running over
ground thaothers havalready patched!  :->



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