NASA Selects Ares I Upper Stage Production Contractor

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Aug. 28, 2007

Beth Dickey/Melissa Mathews
Headquarters, Washington
beth.dickey-1@xxxxxxxx, melissa.mathews-1@xxxxxxxx

Kim Newton
Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala.



WASHINGTON - NASA on Tuesday selected The Boeing Co., Huntsville, 
Ala., as the contractor to provide manufacturing support for design 
and construction of the upper stage of the Ares I rocket. Ares I will 
launch astronauts to the International Space Station and eventually 
help return humans to the moon.

Boeing will provide support to a NASA-led design team during the 
design phase and will be responsible for production of the Ares I 
upper stage. Boeing will manufacture a ground test article, three 
flight test units and six production flight units to support NASA's 
flight manifest through 2016. Final assembly of the upper stage will 
take place at NASA's Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans. 

The contract type is cost-plus-award-fee and the period of performance 
is Sept. 1, 2007, through Dec. 31, 2016. The estimated contract value 
for design team support and the manufacture of the test units and six 
production flight units is $514.7 million. The selection resulted 
from a full and open competition.

Ares I is an in-line, two-stage rocket that will carry to low Earth 
orbit the crew exploration vehicle Orion, which will succeed the 
space shuttle as NASA's primary vehicle for human exploration in the 
next decade. The Ares I upper stage, with an engine and an avionics 
unit procured separately, will provide the navigation, guidance, 
control and propulsion required for the second stage of the rocket's 
ascent. The Ares I first stage will consist of a five-segment solid 
rocket booster and motor similar to those used on the space shuttle. 
The second, or upper, stage will consist of a J-2X main engine, a 
fuel tank for liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen propellants, and 
associated avionics.

The Ares I upper stage development is managed by NASA's Marshall Space 
Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., for NASA's Constellation Program.

For information about NASA's Constellation Program, visit:


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