NASA Safety Review Finds No Evidence of Improper Alcohol Use by Astronauts Before Space Flight

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Aug. 29. 2007

David Mould/Michael Cabbage
Headquarters, Washington
david.r.mould@xxxxxxxx, mcabbage@xxxxxxxx 

RELEASE: 07-184


WASHINGTON -- A NASA safety review released Wednesday found no 
evidence to support claims that astronauts were impaired by alcohol 
when they flew in space. NASA chief of Safety and Mission Assurance 
Bryan O'Connor conducted the monthlong review to evaluate allegations 
included in the Astronaut Health Care System Review Committee's 
report, which was released in late July. 

"I have said many times during the past weeks that NASA takes these 
allegations very seriously -- just as we would any issues that could 
impact the safety of our missions," NASA Administrator Michael 
Griffin told a news conference at NASA Headquarters. "But at the same 
time, I also have said that the stories cited in the report seem 
improbable to those of us familiar with the astronauts' rigorous and 
very public activities during the hours leading up to a space 

O'Connor's review covered the past 20 years of space flight and 

approximately 90 interviews with participants and witnesses to the 
last few days before shuttle and Soyuz launches, including current 
and former astronauts, flight surgeons, research and operations 
support nurses, shuttle suite technicians, closeout crew technicians 
and the managers and staff of crew quarters, including managers 
familiar with the crew quarters in Kazakhstan;

a review of more than 40,000 records dating back to 1984, including 
mishap and close call reports, anonymous safety reports, safety 
hotline reports and disciplinary actions involving alcohol and drugs. 
These records cover 94 shuttle missions and 10 Soyuz missions;

a review of relevant policies, procedures and near-launch timelines 
and staffing; and

an inspection of crew quarters at Johnson Space Center in Houston and 
the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

O'Connor interviewed almost 80 percent of active astronauts and all 
current operational flight surgeons. None of them corroborated 
allegations of preflight alcohol use or claims that management 
disregarded flight surgeon concerns about alcohol impairment and 
astronauts' fitness to fly. 

"My review represents a good deal more investigation than normally 
would be done in response to an anonymous safety concern," O'Connor 
said. "As a result, I am confident there are enough safeguards in 
place to prevent an impaired crewmember from being strapped into a 

NASA is moving forward with a wide range of improvements based on 
other recommendations from the Astronaut Health Care System Review 
Committee's report. 

Working with members of the astronaut corps, NASA is developing a 
formal astronaut code of conduct, or "Expected Astronaut Principles 
of Behavior," which will be a document that outlines expectations. 
The agency's medical managers also are studying how changes and 
initiatives advocated by the committee would fit into NASA health 
care procedures in a way that improves their effectiveness. 

And NASA has accepted recommendations concerning the analysis and use 
of behavioral health data to improve astronaut selection criteria. 

NASA will convene expert working groups to advise the agency on 
possible changes to its psychological testing. Additional training 
for flight surgeons in behavioral health assessments is planned, and 
evaluations will be added to annual flight physicals for all 
astronauts. Continuity of care in NASA clinics will be evaluated. The 
agency will ensure better clinical communication through regular 
meetings between behavioral health providers and flight surgeons. 

In addition, NASA plans to improve procedures and instructions used in 
the administration of health care services for its behavioral health 
clinic. Briefings by flight surgeons to crewmembers are being 
re-emphasized to ensure astronauts fully understand the nature and 
purpose of all health-related testing and data collection. Senior 
NASA leaders also are holding meetings with flight surgeons and 
astronauts to ensure they understand the multiple pathways to 
communicate safety and health concerns. 

To view O'Connor's report, along with a transcript and video of 
Wednesday's news conference, visit: 


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