On Sat, Jul 07, 2001 at 11:37:19AM -0500, Steven J. Hill wrote: > CONFIG_ARC_CONSOLE This arguably belongs to the Kernel Hacking section (or its CML2 equivalent). It isn't useful (and in fact will be highly frustrating) for anyone else. ---cut here--- The ARC console is a low-level console device using the ARC firmware for output. This is useful for debugging, especially if there is no driver for the serial ports. You cannot use the ARC console as a general serial device. Unless you have a specific requirement for this functionality, you should not select this option. ---cut here--- -- Keith M Wesolowski <wesolows@foobazco.org> http://foobazco.org/~wesolows ------(( Project Foobazco Coordinator and Network Administrator ))------ "There is no such song as 'Acid Acid Acid' by 'The Acid Heads' but there might as well be." --jwz