On 03/01/2010 11:05 AM, Andre Klapper wrote:
Am Montag, den 01.03.2010, 10:21 +0000 schrieb Chris Ross:
The FM Transmitter feature on my N900 is very useful to me as my car's
built-in stereo doesn't support Bluetooth, but this weekend it just
stopped working. I can set the TX frequency and tune the radio to it,
enable the FM Transmitter in Media Player and all seems well. The static
is replaced by quiet, I can hear the clicks and other system sounds as I
select things through the car speakers, but when I press play I get
silence. It's good silence, like properly transmitted silence, but
obviously what I wanted to hear was the music.
This also happened to us yesterday in the car, however it worked after
rebooting the N900.
I've tried taking out the battery and it doesn't get more rebooted than
that. Still no joy.
I can confirm that the sounds of games come through fine, so I'm sure
that the hardware is working. It's only the media player that seems to
be able to transmit its clicks and beeps but doesn't transmit the music.
I have tried uninstalling any apps related to media or radio, though
only had a couple: FM boost thing and the media player desktop widget.
Deleted the /home/user/.pulse* directories in case it had saved some
confused state. Checked /tmp for dead sockets but found nothing.
I'm a bit of a loss now. As it seems not to be a hardware issue I can
only assume it's a software bug. It was working fine on a long car
journey Friday, but then stopped and hasn't worked since. I really don't
think I changed anything and I'm unsure how to debug it further.
I really would welcome any suggestions. two of the main things I bought
my N900 for are Sat Nav functionality and to listen to my music in the
car. I was disappointed to find it doesn't do the former and now it
doesn't even do the latter.
Chris R.
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