All, it would appear that the maemo app rootsh is confusingly misnamed the same as the standard rootsh command. I noticed while using it on the N800 via ssh that it does not require me to enter a password and nonetheless it provides root privileges after I first log in as a non-root user. My understanding of the standard rootsh command is that, in order to get a root shell with rootsh, the user must invoke rootsh using sudo. Is it possible that the implementation of maemo rootsh incorporates a sudo command? I guess that the author meant it when he asserted "Get root easily"! Here is the url to the www page at the maemo www site for this maemo command: -- Best Regards, John Holmblad Acadia Secure Networks, LLC * * *Serving the SmartDigital^TM home, entrepreneurial enterprise, and emerging network service provider markets* * * *GSEC Gold, GCWN Gold, GAWN, GGSC-0100, NSA-IAM, NSA-IEM*** *Cisco Select Certified Partner and SMB Specialist | **Microsoft Small Business Specialist | Speakeasy Certified VOIP Partner | Linksys Authorized LVS Partner | Qualys Certified Qualysguard Specialist* * * (M) 703 407 2278 (F) 703 620 5388 (W) primary email address: jholmblad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:jholmblad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> backup email address: jholmblad@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:jholmblad@xxxxxxxxxxx> _______________________________________________ maemo-users mailing list maemo-users@xxxxxxxxx