On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 7:21 AM, David Hagood <david.hagood at gmail.com> wrote: > I have found that running the N800 through a ground loop isolator helps immensely - especially if you are charging the device as you use it. > > The Radio Shack ground loop isolator (RS #270-054) works well for this. Yes, this is key. The n800 will transmit noise via the headphone jack if you are charging at the same time, particularly when charging from something from something that can leak tiny amounts of AC current back to the amplifier. This is pretty much the case every time when charging and connected to a AC-powered amplifier or even a DC amp where you're using 120V inverter or 12V charger connected to the same battery. That's why it's minimized when using a tape adapter; there is very little AC coupling between the tape read head and the tape adapter. Like the ground loop islolator, an audio transformer will do the trick too (You'll need a 1:1 ratio on the windings). Just my 2 cents- Larry