I finally upgraded my N800 to OS2008 about a month ago. I've gotten used to the new look and feel, about which I'm mostly neutral, but otherwise it has been nothing like what I was promised: 1. The RSS reader is no better able to handle a feed with a hundred entries; my favorite feed falls in this class. 2. I get web browser crashes at least once a week. I *never* had a crash under OS2007. 3. I very frequently get inadvertent 'double-hits' when using the stylus with the touch screen. These were rare events under OS2007. 4. If improvements have been made to the applications themselves (as opposed to the home screen), they are not readily visible to me. Image viewer still chokes on a directory with several hundred images, for example. 5. OK, one minor complaint about the look and feel: with the new fat menus, even using the stylus, I can only fit a few bookmark entries on the screen at one time. A device like this benefits from a lot of bookmarks, but now screen real estate carries less information and bookmarks are therefore more work to find. I am really disappointed in this upgrade and in Nokia's general decision to keep the applications closed source. The performance of the applications is a continual source of disappointment to me, but without access to the source code it is hard to see how to do better. Is anybody else disappointed in OS2008? Norman Ramsey http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/nr