On Dec 5, 2007 11:52 PM, Fr?d?ric Crozat <fred at crozat.net> wrote: > > Le jeudi 29 novembre 2007 ? 22:42 +0100, Fr?d?ric Crozat a ?crit : > > > Le jeudi 29 novembre 2007 ? 21:28 +0100, Laurent GUERBY a ?crit : > > > On Wed, 2007-11-28 at 23:43 +0100, Fr?d?ric Crozat wrote: > > > > > https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=667 > > > > > > > > Well, documentation for enabling A2DP is extremely scarce atm, even in > > > > this bug report. > > > > > > > > I'm not sure if I'll keep my BT headset or ask for a refund. > > > > > > On IRC I was told there was work done on it, I suggest > > > adding a comment with your model and problem on the > > > above bugzilla. > > > > Well, I've spend part of this afternoon at Mandriva office into fixing / > > enabling Audio bluetooth on Mandriva cooker and I've been successful > > into directing using ALSA output to headset (either in HSP or A2DP) or > > using gstreamer a2dp sink (from bluez-utils). > > > > Some dbus queries are needed to enable a2dp, which is why it can't work > > out of the box on IT2008. > > > > I'll do more test on n800 this week-end and report here. > > I haven't had time to test the dbus queries for A2DP, yet. And I just found enough time to finish my test with A2DP and I'm happy to announce I got it working with IT2008 ! Here is the howto (I've posted it on bugzilla too) : -first, ensure you have your headset working with IT2008 ie bluetooth pairing done and if you enable enabled, you get sound (crappy but you get it ;) -as root, edit /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf and change Disable=Sink into #Disable=Sink (it would be nice for next nokia image to enable Sink by default, even if there is no UI to use it in a "supported by Nokia way" so it wouldn't require any root privilege to hack around A2DP support -as user, create ~/.asoundrc and put into it : pcm.bluetooth { type bluetooth } ctl.bluetooth{ type bluetooth } -as a user, create a file bt.sh with the following content (be sure to set HEADSET_ADDRESS with your headset BT address : #!/bin/sh HEADSET_ADDRESS="aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff" MANAGER=`dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest=org.bluez /org/bluez org.bluez.Manager.ActivateService string:audio | grep string | sed -e 's/.* string //g' -e 's/"//g' ` DEVICE=`dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply --dest="$MANAGER" /org/bluez/audio org.bluez.audio.Manager.CreateDevice string:"$HEADSET_ADDRESS" | grep string | sed -e 's/.* string //g' -e 's/"//g' ` dbus-send --system --type=method_call --print-reply --dest="$MANAGER" "$DEVICE" org.bluez.audio.Sink.Connect -chmod +x this file -run this file at each startup so A2DP sink is configured and enabled for your headset now, to play sound, use mplayer as following : mplayer -ao alsa:device=bluetooth your_file_to_play and enjoy quality music ;) There is some buffer underrun during playback, but it is a good start. -- Frederic Crozat