On Sun, 21 Oct 2007 11:45:25 +0200 Luca Olivetti <luca at ventoso.org> wrote: > En/na Alan Williamson ha escrit: > > > Is the Email client still p*ss poor when it comes to IMAP folders? > > Or have they actually fixed that? > > Oh, is the standard email client supposed to work? Since it couldn't > even authenticate to my server (I'm using cram-md5) I just though it > was there to occupy a slot in the menu and went on installing claws. > A bit slow at times but it works ok[*] with imap. > IMHO, for email cients, Nokia ought to figure out how to makeclaws the default client. Or at least pick a version of it to call something like 'tab-claws' and get on with other things, like perhaps getting some subset of open office or star office (or perhaps what symbian had working on the Mako PDA) working on the tablet for some minor word and excel compatibility. -- ?Always Fred Chittenden, DDS drfredc at drfredc.com