Well, OpenSync can be built on the N800 (I think Florian has done this) and the sync can go the other way - other folks have done this too. Then just get a DynDNS or similar for your "home base" (server, etc) or just use the ip address. Should be pretty easy. Ryan Phillip Neumann wrote: > Hi. > > After reading Ryan's page and syncML, im under the impresion that the > scheme is more like a "push" from the server to the client, wich means > that the server will alwais be necesary to know the IP of the client > device. > Unfortunatly, the ip is not alwais the same. I move a lot, and connect > via gprs and wifi's. > Under this condition i would need to setup VPN's or APN's to know the IP > wich is very complicated. > > The ideal would be to have a "pull" scheme, where the client connects to > the server wich allwais has the same ip, and get changes and put changes > there. > > Thats not possible to opensync is it? > > Isnt there another posibility? > > > thanks!! > > > -- Ryan Pavlik AbiWord Win32 Platform Maintainer, Art Lead: www.abisource.com AbiWord Community Outreach Project: www.cleardefinition.com/oss/abi/blog/ "Optimism is the father that leads to achievement." -- Helen Keller "The folder structure in a modern Linux distribution such as Ubuntu was largely inspired by the original UNIX foundations that were created by men with large beards and sensible jumpers." -- Jono Bacon, The Ubuntu Guide