Sorry to reply so lately. I had hard time to send mail to the maemo ser- ver, whatever the reason is. > (Why wrap the text so narrowly?) The eyes go downward, not left-right. > then it would seem that you have > successfully installed openssh. Hm, no. As first, I added space after "enabled" in gainroot file (thanks Frantisek). So, it works as for every 770 user on earth. Then I used "red pill" to see all packages (tanks Inigo). This method allowed me to install perl modules by the click (kh-kh). No "Net" directory in modules, by my surprize. After that, I changed my mind and let the time go on. Dropbear is ssh2 and has issue with openvms, plan9 and so on machines from the void. If I con- nect to trusted ssh2 box, I could jump further just on dropbear. > What exactly is the problem? Lack of knowledge, as always. Next week or so I would try to desinstall drop- bear, remove all files from init.d and rcX and install clean openssh. If not via apt-get, then by graphical ma- nager. (Cannot believe I said this.) If any problem, I will feel free to ask for advice. > if you do not describe the symptoms I know. When it clears to me, I see where to go. I post prematurely; the next ob- sesion is iptables. Noone posted something on this topic, even the app is already on 770. Answers on command. There is no /etc/sysconfig directory on the gadget, where file should be placed. Little script could be put into init.d with shell and rules. The person, who added it to the sys- tem, might know how to configure it on embeded. Happy New year to all. Zoran