Hello, If someone could answer a few questions for me as I am new to the 770 I would appreciate it. On/Off list doesn't matter in case my questions are not appropriate for the list. Aside from making sure it has a good charge and general config whats the first thing I should do/install/upgrade? Is there anything that's not intuitive, or anything that is not very well documented that you can suggest based on your experiences? What don't I know that I should know to make best use of the 770 Can it transmit audio via the bluetooth? Or would the only way to get audio to a headset be something like this http://www.logitech.com/lang/images/0/13149.jpg which has its own transmitter? My interests are using it to read web/gmail/rss, listen to mp3s, and play basic games. I've been quite infatuated with the 770 for some time. I know its predecessor is just around the corner but I could not hold off any longer and ordered one. Should arrive by the end of the week with a 2GB RS-MMC. I think it was the images I saw of the Canola project that made me decide I could no longer wait.