Adrian Neumaier wrote: > BTW: Do you have a trusted smime cert from Verisign or any other trusted > CA (assuming you're using smime)? If not whats the use of those certs > then when not comming from a trusted CA? I don't know how people obtain a certificate in other countries, but in Spain you can obtain it from the government, to operate via Internet with the taxes office and so on. You can also use it to sign your email. And the government is supposed to be a trusted CA :-). Btw, I also miss GPG support in the Nokia 770. Israel -- Israel Herraiz | Libre Software Engineering Lab (GSyC) israel.herraiz at | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos | Edif. Departamental II - Despacho 118 Telf: (+34) 91 488 8523 | c/Tulip?n s/n 28933 M?stoles (Madrid)