Hi Users :-) Yesterday at night after some beer I did upgrade my n770 to the newest 2.0 beta without problems (so it?s easy enough ;-)). I?ve found some bugs and have some wishes which I would like to have your opinion on, too. * Bootup and shutdown now works well (had some problems with the latest 1.1 image that shutdown often rebooted the n770 instead of switching it off) * Themes: * I switched back to the old skin... it?s much nicer, IMHO * Hopefully all old skins are included with the 2.0 final. * Home UI: * very nice done! good improvment. * I could use a longer list for the address book applet. How about you? Did I miss an option? * Webbrowser: * I wasn?t able to log into googlemail, browser didn?t get over the "Loading ..." Message :-( * The Browser crashed 3 times today surfing maemo.org * GoogleTalk - Jabber: * I cannot browse for transports. * Browsing Chatrooms on jabber.ccc.de did not work * Joining manually did work, but after 2 seconds I get an strange disconnect. Even wireless goes down !? * I cannot edit my own profile or set an avatar * Priority and Ressource for jabber seems to be missing * Virtual Ram on mmc: very nice! - but why only 64 meg? * Audio Player * When Browsing, the Audio Player has problems playing mp3 ?s * Video Player * didn?t play 2 videos that did with 1.1 which i have on mmc * the included video seems to play much smoother * there should be more supported codecs or only one and a tool to easily encode an movie for the n770 * WISHLIST * GnuPG in Mail and Jabber for secure communications would be great. I?m greatly concerned about the US now also trying to spy on all voip and IM users * SMIME in Mail is there but does anybody use it? IMHO GnuPG is much more common. * Is there still a feature missing to move documents, audio and video to the mmc? - I didn?t find it ... will try extrootfs on 2.0 beta... (when there is an xterm available) * CIFS and NFS Support in File Manager (Gnome VFS?) * SFTP and FTP Support in File Manager (Gnome VFS?) * Hardware * Mic and Speaker are working. Quality of the mic seems to be better than the speaker. * Has anyone tried connecting an bluetooth headset for conversation? How to tell the Googletalk client to use it? Thanks in Advance for you help ... If you can reproduce some bugs, please let the list know, so we can file bug reports on that. Michael -- Michael Flaig <mflaig at mozilla-center.de> Mozilla-Center.de