Greetings, Several folks have contacted me off-list about the script I use to automate much of the post-upgrade headache that is so often grumped about. It's based on the setup described at the syncing apple: In addition to trivial changes to the package list and removing functionality I don't need, I've added lines to allow user to sudo (this allows you to "sudo su" to root after you disable R&D mode, and is easier to modify than gainroot in my opinion), which must be run in the root section of the script: cp -p /etc/sudoers /etc/sudoers~ echo user ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL >> /etc/sudoers And I've moved the application installs into the user section of the script. It's functionally the same, but it's important for people who haven't rooted their device to understand that the normal user can still install apps from the command line. Perhaps if someone has an account to comment on Andy's blog they can pass on this feedback to him. Thanks, Mike