So a friend of mine who reviewed a preproduction 770 for a major linux magazine gave me his demo unit. (We trade things back and forth a lot, iPods, etc.) I maintain his web presence. I think its pretty cool. I'd like to port Xastir to it and help whomever is trying to get gpsd (anyone) to talk to a BT GPS. I went to upgrade the software load on the 770, but the download pages at both nokia and maemo want me to enter the "serial #" (MAC address of the WiFi part).,,79636,00.html The number I find on the box, is "0002EEFEE2E2" The number I find under the battery is "0002EEFEE20A" Neither is "allowed". The Nokia site says: "Error: Code not valid. Please re-enter the 12- digit code." The Maemo site says, "Product ID not valid. Please re-enter the 12- digit code." Now, I'm 43 years old, but I did get out my glasses and a magnifying glass to verify the MAC addresses (on the label under the battery), and yes, I am using the MAC address for the WLAN, not BT interface. Any clues? Did Nokia 'burn' the folks with pre-production units? Jim