Does anyone know of an easy way to export all my RSS feed settings before I flash to the latest firmware? Also, has anyone here successfully used WPA2-PEAP? I set up the RADIUS and certificate infrastructure at my office so I'm quite familiar with the details. For OS X clients, we have to manually install our root CA in order for authentication to succeed. When I first try to connect from my 770, here's the dialogue: Select EAP type Network: [my ssid] EAP type: PEAP [or SIM or TLS] After I select PEAP and click OK I get: Connection setup:... Network: [my ssid] Select certificate: None (the widget doesn't list any options here) EAP method: MSCHAPv2 [or GTC, Generic Token Card -- see] We're using Active Directory and MSCHAPv2. Then at the username and password prompt I've tried entering both my username plus username at but neither work. What shows up in my IAS (Microsoft RADIUS) logs, is an attempted login by [20 character hash instead of user at]. Any suggestions? Much thanks, Gary