Hello, I'm looking for a good pda for some time now, but all the pda's out there were to expensive, to slow, to heavy, to lame, ... But the Nokia 770 looked just right for me and appears to have infinite possibilities. The only downside was that it doesn't appear to have gps support. While is was looking for this I found a little bit info in this on the wiki, but that didn't gave me lots of hope. But, when I came accros this site: http://www.elisanet.fi/tapio.tolvanen/nokia770.html I had better hopes. It looks like this guy has GPSDrive running on a Nokia 770 with a Bluetooth GPS module. I thought that I had to let you guys know (if you already didn't knew). Can you also confirm that this is working? Because gps is one of the functions that I need to have. Greetings, Dimitri Michaux