Hi, There are three ways to perform this action: 1) As a USB removable disk. Connect 770 to PC with the provided USB cable, and power-on the device. This will cause the 770 to act as a standard removable device. On windowsXP this will cause the 770 to show as a removable disk, and on Linux you could use the command-line utility pumount ("man pumount") or the tools provided by your desktop environtment and HAL (KDE's kicker applet "storage media" or gnome's equivalent). 2) Network-based When networking is enabled there are infinite options to copy data from/to other computers or Internet (using mail or webmail perhaps the more obvious one). For example, you coud install the excellent Dropbear SSH client and server [ https://maemo.org/maemowiki/InstallSsh ]. After this, you could use scp MY_FILE user at 770_CURRENT_IP_ADDRESS:/media/mmc1 To copy files to the mmc card (reverse the arguments order to copy FROM the 770 to disk). You could know the current IP number of 770 via the connection manager -> Internet connection -> IP address. -- Eloi Crespillo Itchart ZEN Programari lliure i xarxes SLL eloi at ikuszen.com | eloi at grupoikusnet.com www.ikuszen.com | www.grupoikusnet.com On Saturday 26 November 2005 00:35, Serge van den Oever wrote: > I have been searching for this, but to no avail yet. > > Serge van den Oever