I bought this rechargeable battery equipped USB 2.0 hub with this purpose in mind: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0002UQALQ/103-5821554-9147053?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance&n=172282 I also bought this mini-usb to normal-usb adapter to connect it to the 770: http://store.yahoo.com/abccables-store/ca-000306.html My thought was to try it all out, and see what devices (keyboards, iPod, USB Storage, etc) I could get to work. If it worked well, I could solder a longer cable onto the hub with the mini-usb connector. Unfortunately, the 770 appears to be vaporware in the US, so I may never get to try it out. (quoted delivery date of 18th of November on my order, now the word is sometime in January) I'll probably cancel soon out of frustration. I thought Nokia was a professional company, but I've never seen misquoted delivery dates with zero customer communication like this -- I've received all of ONE email from them (order confirmation). Do they honestly expect customers to silently wait months to take delivery of their product, with no communication at all? Sorry for the OT; I'm just angry. -- Mark Krueger http://www.markandjo.com/markblog