Sunday, October 20, 2002, 12:34:57 PM, you wrote: LB> On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 03:05:11PM +0200, Stefan Weigel wrote: >>Hi Luca! >>I should be happy now but there's still a problem left. First: now I can boot >>from my lvm-root-fs (yeeehhaaa). My problem: one line in /etc/lilo.conf >>(ramdisk=16384 instead of ramdisk=8192). >>But if I now want to run lilo I get this message: >> >>Fatal: Sorry, dont know how to handle device 0x3a05 >> LB> this could be caused by an old lilo version. LB> LVM support was added to mainstream lilo in version 22. LB> upgrade to latest version from LB> LB> L. Yes, this could be the problem. But on the other hand it's a SuSE Linux Enterprise version. And SuSE is very common with LVM. So I will be very surprised if their packages wouldn't work together. But I will give this a try..I will report if this problem is caused by an old lilo version. best regards Stefan -- __________________________________________ stefan weigel administration global linxs gmbh knowledge interaction romanstrasse 16 80639 munich - germany tel.: +49(0)89. 189 336- 61 fax.: +49(0)89. 189 336- 99 email: __________________________________________ _______________________________________________ linux-lvm mailing list read the LVM HOW-TO at