Hi Krzysztof, >> I'm trying to get sensor readouts on a Compaq DL360 > My bet it uses thmc50 driver which is just being ported to 2.6. I must be doing something wrong. I've retrieved the latest lm-sensors code from SVN using svn checkout http://lm-sensors.org/svn/lm-sensors/trunk lm-sensors Then compiled and installed with "make user && make user_install". But I don't get results: # sensors -c /etc/sensors.conf "thmc-*" Specified sensor(s) not found! Also, can I visually identify this chipset somehow on the motherboard? I've tried to look for an IC marked "TI", but couldn't find it. Output of lsmod is here: http://www.vankuik.nl/download/lsmod_output Output of "uname -r" is: 2.6.18-8.1.6.el5xen Any ideas? Bart