David, I remember seeing some emails a few weeks ago where people successfully detected the 627DHG using the latest sensors checked out from the source repository at lm-sensors.org. I haven't verified what's there, but I just thought I should point you in that direction. (I'm not even sure who to contact about sensorsd, libsensors, and sensors. Jean?) Glad to hear you're getting good results. David On 12/14/06, David Holl <david at ad5ey.net> wrote: > Hey David, I figured out why running the "sensors" didn't produce any output > for my DHG chip --- It wasn't added yet to svn:lm-sensors/trunk! (or is > there a different svn branch I should've checked out?) > > Anyhow, I attached a patch (svn diff) of the edits to add the DHG to > libsensors, sensors, and sensord. I basically copied the EHF driver but > removed any reference to voltage sensor in9. If you'd prefer, I could try > to maximize the code overlap between the EHF & DHG if yall think that'll > make the code easier to maintain in the long run. But for now, I just made > the DHG functions & constants completely separate from (but near identical > to) their EHF equivalents. > > So now, running sensors or sensord actually prints my temps / voltages / fan > speeds. :) > > - David