Dear listmembers, I tried to load the 83781d only according to your suggestions, and, yes, everything is working like before. The driver detects the sensor chips and reads all values from both chips. And, yes, the 83627 is read out even though the corresponding module is not loaded. As readily mentioned, the deadlock takes a while, so I'll wait and report what is happening. This, however, leads me to the question why there is a different module for the w83781d and the w83627hf at all - if the first can handle both? Thanks again take care Dieter -- ----------------------------------------------------------- | \ /\_/\ | | ~x~ |/-----\ / \ /- \_/ ^^__ _ / _ ____ / <??__ \- \_/ | |/ | | || || _| _| _| _| if you really want to see the pictures above - use some font with constant spacing like courier! :-) -----------------------------------------------------------