The more we know about the chip, the better we can help you... We are quite experienced with preliminary datasheets :) So I would be happy to see the datasheet sooner rather than later, if possible. But of course it is up to you. mds Huang0 at wrote: > Hi MDS, Jean > > This is chunhao. > > After the discussion with my manager, I'd like to continue > the answer to your first two questions: > (1) The driver of w83792d can be released under GPL. > (2) The datasheet also can be released, but since the original > version has many bugs, such as the voltage calculation method is > very incomplete; it does not concern both the C version and B version > of 792 chip; and some register index errors. > > It is being update now, I will send the new datasheet to you when > the update finished. It's said that it will be finished in several > weeks, I will send it to you as soon as possible when I get it. > Is that okay? > > Thanks > Best Regards > Chunhao >