Hi, I have an IBM Thinkpad A21p,and I believe that this model is more recent than those that are affected by the problems with lm-sensors. Model Name: IBM Thinkpad A21p Model Number: 2629-HWA BIOS vendor (ACPI): PTLTD System vendor (DMI): IBM BIOS version (DMI): KYET27WW (1.04b) Can anyone confirm or deny that for me? Thanks, Andrew. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Andrew @ Catalyst .Net .NZ Ltd, PO Box 11-053, Manners St, Wellington WEB: http://catalyst.net.nz/ PHYS: Level 2, 150-154 Willis St DDI: +64(4)916-7201 MOB: +64(21)635-694 OFFICE: +64(4)499-2267 Survey for nothing with http://survey.net.nz/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------