Larry, > I have found what I think is a regression where b43 appears to be connected; > however, no data can be transferred. Not very much information has been > logged; however, I think it correlates with a switch from short to long > barker preamble. Interesting. Doesn't your AP support short preambles? That'd be the only reason for anything going wrong here to actually break your connection. hmm. > Do you have any suggestions on what should be logged in > ieee80211_handle_protect_preamb or any other mac80211 routine so that I can > isolate the problem? I use NM to control the connection and authentication to > a WPA-PSK TKIP network. Well I guess you should log what state it changes to (maybe even in b43) and at the same time monitor with say wireshark on a monitor interface to see what the AP is announcing. Not sure really, I have a hard time imagining this being the problem. johannes
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