On 04/09/2013 11:04 AM, Vincent Brillault wrote:
On Tue 9.Apr'13 at 10:32:33 -0500, Larry Finger wrote:
On 04/09/2013 04:47 AM, Vincent Brillault wrote:
I still have the deconnection/reconnection issue. After looking on the
reason, I think I have found a bug. Please look at the patched included
in this mail: I think the rtlpriv->link_info.num_rx_inperiod is set to 0
too early, as the '/* <4> roaming */' part uses it to see if the AP is
still alive. What do you think ?
Does that change help your issue?
I cannot say for sure that it helped. I have now disactivated the
powersave features of the driver and all my problems disappeared.
The only thing I can say for sure is that my deconnections were detected
by this part of the code, as the error message was
"rtlwifi:rtl_watchdog_wq_callback():<0-0> AP off, try to reconnect now",
and that this bugs seems to increase the probability to take the 'wrong'
Anyway, I think this line is missplaced: why would lines 1433-1434 use
rtlpriv->link_info.num_rx_inperiod if its value is always 0 ?
As all of the disconnects disappeared in my system with the latest fixes that
will be in kernel 3.10, I am reluctant to make any changes in the code *unless*
you can prove that they fix a particular issue.
I agree that the code looks strange, but I did not write it.
In any case, it seems that power save is your problem.
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