About Property inteface I don't see any big problem to not use fdo.DBus.Properties, it actually always takes an extra parameter, interface name, which is not always desirable since most bindings cannot connect signals/AddMatches with parameter option included, e.g. dbus-glib could not connect PropertyChanged for a single interfarce. So I think Marcel's point is partially valid. About the open issues: #1. Should the Scan and ScanWide adapter method calls be collapsed into a single method accepting a single boolean argument controlling the type of scan proceedure performed. You probably want to track Scan/ScanWide caller so if it disconnects from the bus you could stop scanning and also CancelScan applies for both, so probably just Scan(String type) might make the API clearer. -- Luiz Augusto von Dentz Engenheiro de Computa??o